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Department of the Air Force (DAF)


The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is one of the three military departments within the Department of Defense of the United States of America. Established in 1947, DAF manages all affairs and operations concerning the U.S. Air Force, including matters related to aviation and space. It is led by the Secretary of the Air Force, under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is one of the three military departments within the Department of Defense of the United States of America. Formed in 1947, it is dedicated to providing efficient air and space facilities for the country.
  2. The primary function of the DAF is to organize, train, equip, and provide for the welfare and representation of the United States Air Force and Space Force. This includes performing aerial and space operations, and to aid the overall national security and defense.
  3. The DAF is governed by the Secretary of the Air Force, who is appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. The Secretary is responsible for the efficient operation of the Air Force, and also to implement the policies and procedures of the Department of Defense.


The Military Operations Term “Department of the Air Force” (DAF) is significant because it refers to one of the three military departments within the Department of Defense of the United States.

Established in 1947, the DAF plays a crucial role in ensuring the protection and security of the nation and its interests, contributing to global strategy, operations, and tactics.

It organizes, trains, equips, and provides for the welfare of its Airmen and their families, and also oversees the development and procurement of air and space capabilities.

The DAF’s importance lies in its strategic influence and operational capabilities, helping maintain the United States as a dominant force in air, space, and cyberspace domains.


The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is a division of the United States Department of Defense tasked primarily with organizing, training, equipping, and providing for the welfare of its personnel. It plays an important role in helping the U.S. maintain air superiority and in conducting air operations in conjunction with the other branches of the military.

The purpose of the DAF is to ensure the readiness and effectiveness of the U.S. Air Force, providing the personnel, training, and equipment necessary to ensure the country’s defense and security in line with the national military strategy. The DAF is also responsible for the development and implementation of policies, procedures, standards, and guidance for the Air Force personnel.

This includes managing and directing Air Force operations and activities, overseeing administrative affairs, and handling budgeting issues. It is also responsible for the operation of the U.S. Air Force Academy which trains the next generation of Air Force officers.

Overall, the DAF serves as a vital pillar in the country’s defensive infrastructure, ensuring that the U.S. maintains its edge in air and space power worldwide.

Examples of Department of the Air Force (DAF)

Operation Enduring Freedom – In 2001, under the directives of Department of the Air Force (DAF), the U.S. Air Force conducted military operations in Afghanistan. This operation was aimed at dismantling al-Qaeda terrorist organization and ending its use of Afghanistan as a base. The Air Force carried out air strikes, surveillance missions, and cargo troop transport.

Operation Inherent Resolve – This ongoing operation involves the DAF overseeing the U.S. Air Force’s actions in combating the threat posed by the Islamic State (ISIS). The operation includes targeted airstrikes against ISIS militants, providing intelligence and surveillance, and humanitarian support.

Operation Odyssey Dawn – In 2011, the DAF directed the U.S. Air Force’s participation in the international military operation in Libya. The initiative was designed to enforce a no-fly zone to protect civilians during a period of civil unrest. The Air Force was responsible for carrying out bombing missions, providing air support, and enforcing the no-fly zone.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Department of the Air Force (DAF)

What is the Department of the Air Force (DAF)?

The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is one of the three military departments within the Department of Defense of the United States of America. The DAF organizes, trains, equips, and provides for the welfare of Air and Space Forces efficiently, effectively, and directly supports the National Defense Strategy.

What is the mission of the DAF?

The mission of the DAF is to deliver dominant Air and Space Forces for America and its allies. This is done through organizing, training, and equipping these forces and providing welfare and sustainment in a way that is efficient, effective, and directly supports the national defense strategy.

Who leads the DAF?

The DAF is led by the Secretary of the Air Force, who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. This position carries out the directions, policies, and programs central to the achievement of the DAF mission and function.

What are some key roles within the DAF?

The DAF consists of the Secretary of the Air Force, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and the Chief of Space Operations. These key leaders, along with their supporting staff, work together to deliver on the DAF’s mission.

How does the DAF support the U.S. Department of Defense?

The DAF supports the U.S. Department of Defense by providing air and space capabilities that are integral to the nation’s security. This includes air superiority, global precision attack capabilities, rapid global mobility, space capabilities, and robust command and control.

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC)
  • Tricare (Healthcare program for Uniformed Service members and their families)
  • Post 9/11 GI Bill (Education benefits for service members)
  • Air Force Aid Society (AFAS)
  • Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)

Sources for More Information

  • The Official Site of the U.S. Air Force: Offers comprehensive information about the Department of the Air Force, including their organizational structure, missions, news and updates.
  • U.S. Department of Defense: Provides wide-ranging information about the U.S. military departments, including the Department of the Air Force.
  • Air University(AU): As a component of the Department of the Air Force, this site provides detailed information about Air Force education and training programs.
  • Air Force Special Operations Command: Offers insights into special tactics teams within the Department of the Air Force.

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