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The Complete Guide to Unemployment Benefits in Rhode Island

The Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training provides temporary income support for any out-of-work Rhode Island resident through unemployment insurance benefits. 

Employers across the state pay funding for Rhode Island unemployment benefits for any Rhode Islander requesting UI benefits.

Rhode Island Unemployment Services

Website https://dlt.ri.gov/individuals/unemployment-insurance
Phone 401-243-9100
Apply Online File a Claim
Weekly Certification https://uionline.dlt.ri.gov
Appeal a Denial File an Appeal
Find a Local Office https://dlt.ri.gov/individuals/career-centers
Report Fraud Unemployment Fraud
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How To Qualify for Unemployment Benefits in Rhode Island

Most UI claimants who appear on payrolls across the state of Rhode Island are eligible for unemployment insurance benefits as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • The claimant earned sufficient wages during the base period

  • The claimant lost employment through no fault of their own

  • The claimant is ready, willing, and able to accept suitable work if and when it is offered

In addition, some workers who have had their hours reduced, though not eliminated, may also be eligible to receive partial unemployment compensation. If you’re not positive you meet these requirements, you should apply. There is no penalty for submitting an unemployment claim. By doing so, you’ll know whether you’re eligible.

How To Apply for Unemployment Benefits in Rhode Island

Unemployed workers in Rhode Island can apply for benefits online, where they will be able to submit the state’s standard application for benefits. This is the fastest and easiest way to submit your initial claim. However, if applying online is not an option, a claimant also may submit an initial eligibility claim by calling 401-415-6772 to file an unemployment insurance claim during regular business hours.

Once approved, UI benefits recipients may receive weekly benefit payments via direct deposit, the recommended method, or an Electronic Payment Card.

Managing Your Unemployment Benefits

Although your initial eligibility claim may be approved, the UI benefit process is incomplete. You must apply each week you want to receive benefits and answer questions about your weekly earnings and job search activities.

If you submitted your initial claim online, you could use the same username and password to access your account and submit your weekly claim. You can certify your UI benefits online or by calling 401-415-6772 anytime, Sunday through Saturday. Answer questions about your activities for the week so that the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training can verify that you remain eligible for your weekly benefit.

How Do I Appeal a Decision?

If you believe your unemployment claim was denied in error, you must submit a notice of appeal within 15 days of the mailing date on your notification letter. Both the employee and the employer involved have the right to request an appeal.

Please note that your request for appeal must be submitted in writing – either through the existing online form or via mail or fax, as outlined below:

Mail: Central Adjudication Unit

PO Box 20067

Cranston, RI 02920-0941

Fax: 401-462-8318

Once your appeal is received, your claim will be reviewed by a Referee at the Board of Review, an independent third-party reviewer not affiliated with the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training.

How Do I Report Fraud?

The Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training needs your help to investigate many types of fraud. Some examples include imposter fraud, identity theft, claimant fraud, and employer fraud.

If you suspect that fraud is occurring, you should report it immediately. In cases of imposter fraud and identity theft, your first outreach should be to the Rhode Island police, using their online report form. You do not need to notify the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training – the Rhode Island police will handle that as part of their investigation process. 

For all other cases of fraud, email a statement with as much detail as possible to DLT.protest@dlt.ri.gov.

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