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Getting Unemployment Benefits in Alaska?

Alaska’s unemployment program provides unemployed workers with financial assistance while they look for new work. Many workers face the unique challenge of inconsistent work. Much of the work in Alaska is seasonal and the state has vast remote areas.

Alaska unemployment benefits serve not only to assist individual unemployed Alaskans and their families, but to provide a stabilizing influence on local economies and Alaska’s economy overall.

If you think you are eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits in Alaska, keep reading for further information about claiming benefits and how unemployment insurance works.

What are Unemployment Benefits in Alaska?

AK Unemployment Benefits infographic

According to The Department of Labor and Workforce Development, unemployment benefits allow some to receive unemployment compensation—a weekly benefit amounting from $56 to $370. You may be eligible for a certain number of weeks, depending on your monetary determination.

Temporary disability benefits, on the other hand, are designed to make sure you don’t suffer a large financial loss due to your disability. Simply put, they cover up to 60% of your normal salary, with the maximum cap being $577 per week. This is barring any other income received by you during this period, and these benefits are available for as long as you’re disabled and last up to 180 days from the start of the disability.

Who Is Eligible for Unemployment Benefits in Alaska?

AK Unemployment Benefits  Eligibility infographic

To be eligible, you must have lost your job through no fault of your own, such as being laid off or having hours reduced.

Unemployed workers in Alaska must meet the following eligibility requirements for unemployment compensation:

  • Earned wages from an employer who paid unemployment taxes during the base period for review, as defined by Alaska law
  • Available for full-time employment when it is offered, including having child care and transportation arranged
  • Actively seeking and reporting weekly work searches and registering for work as required
  • Physically and mentally able to seek and accept suitable full-time employment

Other factors include:

—Any person who worked in covered employment and earned enough wage credits.

—Individuals living in another state but working in Alaska.

—Individuals who worked in more than one state during the last two years.

—Federal civilian employees who have separated from their employment with the federal government.

—Ex-military personnel who served active military duty in the last 18 months.

—Individuals who are unemployed because of a disaster.

Alaska residents registering for can do so online at AlaskaJobs to receive unemployment compensation.

How Do I Apply for Unemployment Benefits in Alaska?

AK Unemployment Benefits  Application infographic

To apply for unemployment benefits in Alaska, check eligibility, prepare the required documents, including Social Security Number and work permit (if applicable), and submit an application online or by calling the claim center.

Once you open your claim, you will be required to file bi-weekly claims and maintain your eligibility by being able and available for full-time work, actively seeking work, and registering for work as required.

If you need assistance with your unemployment claim or want to appeal a decision, you can contact the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development by dialing 711 from inside Alaska or (800) 770-8255 (toll-free) from outside the state.

What Documentation Is Needed to Apply for Unemployment Benefits in Alaska?

To apply for Alaska unemployment benefits, you will need to prepare the following documents and information:

—Your Social Security Number or alien registration number and work permit type.

—The name, mailing address, and phone number of your last employer.

—The dates and earnings of your last employment.

—Information on other deductible income received.

—Additional documents for federal employees (LES, SF8, and SF50), ex-military personnel, and the Department of Defense ex-personnel.

How Much Can I Receive in Unemployment Benefits in Alaska?

The federal law states that Alaska unemployment benefits entitle unemployment workers to receive a maximum claim of $370 per week. These weekly claims are transferred through direct deposit or direct payment cards.

How Long Can I Receive Unemployment Benefits in Alaska?

The unemployment insurance benefit duration in Alaska varies depending on the amount and distribution of wages paid during the “base period.” It may last from 16 to 26 weeks.

What Happens if I am Still Unemployed After My Benefits Run Out in Alaska?

Alaska unemployment insurance benefits allow workers who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits to receive up to 50% more of the usual amount and money for up to three dependents. The Alaska unemployment office can provide more information on this, so contact them in case you are still unemployed when your benefits run out.

What if I Worked in Another State but Live in Alaska?

When unemployed workers live in Alaska but have worked in other states, they must contact the Department of Labor Workforce Development (DOLWD) to give permission to add wages earned elsewhere to their Alaska claim. By law, they will then receive unemployment benefits from the state where they worked.

What if I Quit My Job?

If you quit your job in Alaska, it is possible to still be eligible for unemployment benefits. However, if the reason you left was not related to the job or workplace and did not constitute a compelling need to do so, then you will be disqualified from receiving benefits for six weeks. To qualify as “good cause,” the reason you left must have been job-related and was so pressing that it required your immediate departure.

What if I’m a Part Time Worker?

In most cases, even if an otherwise eligible claimant is placed on reduced weekly hours or an alternate weekly schedule, they can still receive benefits on any week when wages are less than the excess and the hours are fewer than those required of a full-time worker, provided they remain available to work for wages at a full-time rate.

How Is My Weekly Benefit Amount Calculated in Alaska?

To determine your claim for benefits in Alaska, the amount of gross wages (before deductions such as FICA tax) that you earned across the first four out of the last five completed calendar quarters from the date you file your claim will be calculated. Be sure to include these earnings when filing your claim.

What Happens if I Refuse a Job Offer While Receiving Benefits?

If you happen to receive an offer for a job and turn it down, then your Alaska unemployment eligibility will be suspended or revoked. You must complete the Work Refusal questionnaire to provide justification for why you refused the job and retain your benefits.

What Happens if I Make a Mistake While Certifying for My Benefits in Alaska?

The claim certification process is an important part of filing for unemployment benefits. It’s essential that you provide truthful and accurate information when certifying your claim. If you submit false or misleading information, you could face severe consequences, including criminal prosecution and disqualification from receiving future benefits.

That’s why it’s critical to double-check all the information you provide before submitting it. If you make a mistake, contact the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development immediately to report and correct it before any penalties are incurred. The sooner you act, the better your chances of avoiding further complications.

Alaska Unemployment Services

Private WebsiteAlaska Unemployment
Apply Onlinehttps://my.alaska.gov
Bi-Weekly Certificationhttps://my.alaska.gov
Appeal a DenialRequest a Hearing
Find a Local OfficeCall Centers
Report FraudUI Fraud Hotline
Coronavirus UpdatesCOVID-19 Assistance

Benefit Payments and Duration

Base PeriodFirst 4 of the last 5 completed quarters
Alt Base PeriodLast 4 completed quarters
Duration of BenefitsWeekly PaymentMaximum Benefits Amount (1 year)
16-26 weeks$56$370$9,620 – $11,492

Managing Your Unemployment Benefits

AK Managing Unemployment Benefits infographic

While you are receiving unemployment compensation, you must regularly certify your eligibility. Weekly certification keeps your claim active and eligible to receive your weekly benefit payments. Requests that are submitted late may be disqualified.

MyAlaska is the quickest and easiest way to manage your account and submit your weekly benefit claims. Simply log in, select View Your Services, then Unemployment Insurance Benefits.

Filing an Appeal

You may appeal any determination associated with your claim if you disagree with a decision. To request a hearing, you may phone, fax, mail, or email your request within 30 days of the date on which your decision letter was postmarked.

You may submit your appeal request via any of the following methods:
Email: appeals@alaska.gov
Phone: 800-232-4762
Fax:     907-465-3374

Mail: Appeal Tribunal Office
P.O. Box 115509
Juneau, AK 99811-5509

Reporting Fraud

Unemployment fraud consists of knowingly making a false statement, misrepresenting a material fact, or withholding key information to collect unemployment benefits. Unemployment fraud in Alaska is subject to criminal prosecution, fines, and potential imprisonment.

If you suspect that someone is fraudulently collecting benefits, please make a report via any of the methods listed below:

Email: uifraud@alaska.gov
Fax: 907-269-4835
Phone: 907-269-4880 or 877-272-4635

Alaska Unemployment Office Locations

Anchorage Job Center Midtown3301 Eagle Street Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99503
Anchorage Job Center Muldoon1251 Muldoon Road Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99504
Y-K Delta Unmployment OfficeBNC Complex Suite 112
Bethel, AK 99559-1607
Bristol Bay Job Center527 Seward St. Room 101
PO Box 1149
Dillingham, AK 99576-1149
Fairbanks Unmployment Office675 Seventh Avenue Station B
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Homer Job Center3670 Lake Street Suite 300
Homer, AK 99603
Juneau Unmployment Office10002 Glacier Highway Suite 100
Juneau, AK 99801
Peninsula Unmployment Office11312 Kenai Spur Hwy Suite 2
Kenai, AK 99611
Ketchikan Job Center2030 Sea Level Drive Suite 220
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Kodiak Job Center211 Mission Road Suite 103
Kodiak, AK 99615-6315
Nome Unmployment Office103 Front Street
PO Box 280
Nome, AK 99762
Sitka Job Center304 Lake Street
Room 101
Sitka, AK 99835-7563
Valdez Unmployment Office213 Meals Avenue
State Office Building, Room 22
Valdez, AK 99686-0590
Mat-Su Job Center877 West Commercial Drive
Wasilla, AK 99654

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