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West Virginia Disability Benefits

West Virginia disability benefits are available for adult residents of the state who have a disability that prevents them from working. West Virginia, like other U.S. states, provides two Social Security disability programs.

The first is the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which is available for eligible disabled adults who pay or have paid into the Social Security trust fund through payroll taxes.

West Virginia also offers Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which assists low-income residents who are blind, disabled, or over 65 years old.

Facts about West Virginia

WV Disability Stats infographic

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 39.2% of the West Virginian adult population have one form of disability or the other. In more comprehensive terms, the agency reports that 21.1% of adults in West Virginia have mobility challenges. 19.1% of the adult population of the state has severe troubles with cognition, while 12.6% of the adults in the state can’t live independently. 11.9% of the adults in West Virginia have suffered hearing losses, while 7.7% have visual impairment challenges.

The CDC reports that 6.1% of the state’s adult population has challenges taking care of themselves.

These are all members of the population with special needs. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration provides some benefits for them to live longer, happier lives.

How To Qualify for SSDI in West Virginia

WV SSDI Qualification infographic

SSDI is a federal government program for disabled members of the state who have contributed to the Social Security trust fund. The law governing the program is the same in all states, with only a few differences.

The SSA will pay SSDI benefits to a person with a long-term disability if they contributed to the Social Security trust fund. According to federal laws, a long-term disability must last at least one year.

Certain family members, such as a surviving spouse, can also receive SSDI benefits of an eligible recipient – regardless of whether the recipient is alive. The SSA will determine if your disability affects the quality of your work and approve your suit if it does.

Disabled residents who wish to work can also find gainful employment through West Virginia’s Division of Rehabilitation Services. Please note that earning above the SGA rate will disqualify you from receiving SSDI benefits. The Substantial Gainful Activity for 2021 is $1,310 and $2,190 for the blind.

How To Apply for SSDI in West Virginia

WV SSDI Application infographic

When applying for SSDI in West Virginia, you must submit your application to the Social Security Administration. You can do this by visiting any of the administration’s offices in the state or by filling an online form.

You can also speak with an SSA official on the phone or send a mail to file your Social Security disability claim. The SSA field office will determine if you meet the age requirements and have enough Social Security credits for the SSDI.

The SSA will forward your application to the West Virginia Department of Disability Determination Services. The DDS will assign a disability evaluation specialist, whose job it is to determine if you are eligible for SSDI.

When filling your disability claim, it is advised that you employ the services of a disability attorney. This is because only 30% of initial disability claims get the approval of the DDS in West Virginia.

Applicants that apply for reconsideration have an 11% approval rate. The hearing stage has a higher success rate, but you must wait for months before an administrative law judge can hear your case. The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review usually has an extensive backlog of cases that hinder quick hearings.

How To Appeal a Denial in West Virginia

WV SSDI Appeal infographic

If your initial application fails, you have four stages of the appeals process. You can ask for reconsideration to have the DDS assign another disability evaluation specialist to your case. If this also fails, you can request a disability hearing before an ALJ.

The waiting time for this stage is between 223 to 452 days. The approval rate for this stage is 53%, but you will do better with legal advice from a disability lawyer.

Having an experienced disability attorney can go a long way to help your suit – even during the initial stage. As an SSDI claimant, you should allow a disability lawyer to handle your claim right from scratch to avoid rejection and the rigorous stages that come after it.

More West Virginia Benefits

In addition to SSDI benefits, West Virginia residents can enjoy a variety of additional benefits.

Apply for SSI in West Virginia

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is another Social Security benefit for eligible low-income West Virginia residents. If you qualify for SSI, the SSA will give you up to $794 or $1,191 for couples. Disabled adults and children, and residents who are 65 or older may qualify for SSI benefits in West Virginia. The state does not supplement SSI like some other states.

West Virginia Medicaid

The Department of Health and Human Resources oversees West Virginia Medicaid. The program allows low-income earners, disabled residents, and older citizens to access healthcare and assistive technology.

SSI recipients will usually qualify for Medicaid automatically. You could also get a Medicaid waiver even if you don’t receive SSI. To find out if you qualify, you can apply via the Health Insurance Marketplace or through West Virginia’s online client portal.

West Virginia Unemployment 

West Virginia Unemployment benefits are designed for people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. Eligible recipients in West Virginia can be paid between $24 and $424 weekly for up to 26 weeks.

Residents of West Virginia who suffer from work-related disabilities can also receive workers’ compensation. You can submit a personal injury claim to the West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner.

West Virginia Social Security Offices

SSA Field Office Locations in West Virginia
Charleston SSA Office500 Quarrier Street
Suite 300
Charleston, WV 25301
(888) 527-9305
Wheeling SSA Office123 16Th Street
Wheeling, WV 26003
(877) 480-5001
Parkersburg SSA Office425 Juliana Street
Suite 4301
Parkersburg, WV 26101
(866) 574-2533
Huntington SSA Office3Rd Floor
301 9Th Street
Huntington, WV 25701
(866) 931-7078
Clarksburg SSA Office320 W Pike St
Clarksburg Federal Ctr
Clarksburg, WV 26301
(866) 783-7305
Elkins SSA Office300 Third Street
Suite 325
Elkins, WV 26241
(877) 828-1693
Bluefield SSA Office3014 E Cumberland Road
Bluefield, WV 24701
(888) 475-0295
Morgantown SSA Office3596 Collins Ferry Rd
Suite 100
Morgantown, WV 26505
(866) 770-2055
Beckley SSA Office5475 Robert C. Byrd Dr
Suite A-8
Mount Hope, WV 25880
(866) 964-2042
Logan SSA Office1103 George Kostas Dr
Logan, WV 25601
(877) 405-1455
Welch SSA Office50 McDowell Street
Welch, WV 24801
(866) 273-0399
Martinsburg SSA Office14 Compass Pt
Martinsburg, WV 25404
(866) 416-1919
Fairmont SSA Office9039 Middletown Mall
Middletown Mall
Fairmont, WV 26554
(877) 405-7674
St Albans SSA Office49 Olde Main Plaza
St Albans, WV 25177
(866) 316-8153
Petersburg SSA Office111 S Grove St
Suite 3
Petersburg, WV 26847
(877) 405-2885
Williamson SSA Office146 East First Ave
Williamson, WV 25661
(888) 759-3920

West Virginia Hearing and Appeal Offices

West Virginia is in Region 3 (Philadelphia), which services Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and District of Columbia.

Region 3 – SSA Office of Hearing Operations in West Virginia
SSA Hearing Office – Charleston500 Quarrier Street Suite 100
Charleston, WV 25301
(888) 527-9325
SSA Hearing Office – Huntington301 9th Street 2nd Floor Annex
Huntington, WV 25701
(866) 592-1607
SSA Hearing Office – Morgantown5000 Greenbag Road Suite FS1
Morgantown, WV 26501-7236
(877) 405-9197

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