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Definition In military operations, “collection” refers to the systematic process of gathering information about an adversary, the environment, or other relevant factors to support decision-making. This information is usually obtained through various intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and methods. The collected data is then analyzed, processed, and distributed to enable military leaders and commanders […]


In military operations, “collection” refers to the systematic process of gathering information about an adversary, the environment, or other relevant factors to support decision-making. This information is usually obtained through various intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and methods. The collected data is then analyzed, processed, and distributed to enable military leaders and commanders to make informed decisions for their mission or operation.

Key Takeaways

  1. Collection refers to the systematic process of gathering, organizing, and analyzing relevant information to support military operations and decision-making.
  2. It encompasses various types of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets, including satellites, drones, manned aircraft, and human intelligence sources.
  3. Effective collection is crucial for military planning, targeting, threat assessment, and mission execution, as it helps to reduce uncertainty and improve situational awareness for commanders and operators.


The term “Collection” holds significant importance in military operations as it encompasses the systematic gathering and processing of crucial information related to enemy forces, terrain, weather, and other factors that can impact the success of a mission.

Collection plays a vital role in supporting decision-making processes and enabling commanders to develop effective strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and manage risk.

By continually updating and validating information, the collection process ensures situational awareness, allowing military forces to anticipate and respond to changing circumstances, ultimately contributing to operational success and minimizing potential threats.


Collection, an essential aspect of military operations, is the systematic process of gathering, organizing, and analyzing information about the enemy, terrain, and the overall battle environment. The primary aim of the collection is to support commanders in decision-making, by providing crucial intelligence that enables them to evaluate and adapt their strategies efficiently. A comprehensive collection helps to identify threats and assess the intentions and capabilities of adversaries, ultimately assisting in attaining situational understanding, predicting enemy actions, and appropriately allocating resources to counter potential challenges.

Effective collection not only supports the accomplishment of immediate missions but also aids in the long-term planning of military objectives, as it allows military leaders to develop a comprehensive and updated operating picture. To achieve the intended purpose, collection employs various methods and resources, including reconnaissance, surveillance, and intelligence gathering. It encompasses human intelligence sources, electronic and signals intelligence, as well as the integration of satellite imagery, geospatial data, and other advanced technologies.

Furthermore, the collaboration with strategic partners and sharing of information exponentially expand the knowledge base for military decision-makers and provide a robust foundation for successful operations. The collected data is thoroughly analyzed and corroborated to extract actionable insights, which are then disseminated among relevant units and stakeholders. In summary, collection plays a vital role in the military decision-making process, contributing significantly not only to the success of individual missions but also to the broader achievement and resilience of military operations.

Examples of Collection

Operation Desert Storm (1991): During the Gulf War, the military operation known as Operation Desert Storm saw extensive use of collection methods by the United States coalition forces. Intelligence collection efforts included the use of satellite reconnaissance, electronic signal interceptions, and aerial reconnaissance to gather information on enemy troop movements, locations, and equipment. This intelligence collection played a crucial role in giving the coalition forces an advantage over the Iraqi military, enabling the forces to strike specific targets, dismantle enemy defenses, and ultimately drive the Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.

Operation Neptune Spear (2011): The mission to locate and eliminate Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, relied heavily on intelligence collection. This operation utilized a variety of collection methods, including human intelligence (HUMINT) gathered by CIA operatives and informants as well as signals intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts. The continuous collection and analysis of this data eventually led U.S. intelligence agencies to a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where bin Laden was hiding. Based on this intel, the U.S. Navy SEALs conducted a raid on the compound, ultimately killing bin Laden.

Operation Inherent Resolve (2014-present): This ongoing operation against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria has relied on a wide range of collection methods to gather information on the terrorist group’s activities, plans, and locations. Coalition forces have utilized aerial reconnaissance and surveillance, drone aircraft, intercepted electronic communications, and information gathered from local sources on the ground to better understand ISIS capabilities and intent. This intelligence has helped direct military operations, including strategic airstrikes, targeting key ISIS leaders, destroying their sources of funding, and supporting local military forces in the fight against the extremist group.

Frequently Asked Questions: Military Operations Collection

What is a military operations collection?

A military operations collection is a compiled set of data, information, or resources that is gathered and organized to support military planning, decision-making, and operations. It typically includes information regarding intelligence, logistics, combat, and other key aspects of military operations.

Why is the collection important in military operations?

Having a comprehensive collection enables military commanders and decision-makers to better understand the situation on the ground, identify potential threats, and develop effective strategies to achieve mission objectives. The data and insights gathered can guide tactical planning, force deployment, and resource allocation, ultimately enhancing the military’s ability to execute operations and achieve desired outcomes.

What are some common sources of information for a military operations collection?

Sources for a military operations collection may include military intelligence reports, satellite imagery, analysis of communications and electronic signals, open-source information, geospatial data, information from allies and partner nations, and data gathered from reconnaissance and surveillance assets such as drones or manned aircraft.

How is the collected information analyzed and interpreted?

Once information is gathered, military analysts, decision-makers, and subject matter experts evaluate and synthesize the data to draw meaningful conclusions and generate actionable insights. This may involve analysis using specialized software tools, collaboration with partners and allies, or applying expertise in various disciplines such as geospatial analysis, cultural and language studies, and counterterrorism.

How might a military operations collection be used during an ongoing operation?

During an ongoing military operation, the collected information is continually updated to provide commanders and planners with a timely and accurate understanding of the battlespace. This enables them to adapt to evolving circumstances, assess progress, and make informed decisions to ensure mission success. The data may also be used to carefully monitor enemy activities, identify new threats, and develop effective countermeasures.

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Debt Management Center (DMC)
  • Overpayment
  • Waiver Request
  • Compromise Offer
  • Repayment Plan

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