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Attack group


An attack group is a tactical military unit assigned to carry out offensive operations against an enemy. It usually consists of various combat elements like infantry, armor, and artillery, combined and coordinated to achieve specific objectives. The size and composition of an attack group may vary depending on the mission, and it often acts as a subordinate element within a larger military force.

Key Takeaways

  1. An attack group is a strategic formation of military forces, consisting of various units and weaponry, combined to carry out offensive operations against an enemy.
  2. Attack groups can be assembled through joint efforts from various military branches, such as ground troops, naval forces, and air forces, to generate a unified and powerful strike force.
  3. Proper coordination, communication, and effective command are essential for the optimal functioning and success of an attack group, ensuring all units work harmoniously towards achieving their mission objectives.


The term “attack group” is important in military operations as it refers to a specialized unit of armed forces that are organized, trained, and equipped to collectively conduct offensive operations against enemy targets.

These attack groups are designed to work in coordination with other units and assets during missions, which enhances the overall effectiveness of the operation.

By defining specific roles and responsibilities within the attack group, military forces can better concentrate their efforts, streamline their decision-making processes, and improve the chances of achieving mission objectives.

Moreover, an attack group is crucial for maintaining pressure on an adversary and shaping the dynamic of conflict to favor friendly military forces.

Overall, attack groups contribute vital elements to the strategic and tactical success of military campaigns and serve as essential components of national defense and security.


An attack group plays a crucial role in military operations and strategic warfare by concentrating their efforts towards executing decisive maneuvers and offensive actions against their adversaries. The primary purpose of an attack group is to weaken and dismantle enemy forces, disrupt their defenses, and establish a dominant position on the battlefield.

By concentrating on a specific target or a pivotal area, an attack group can create opportunities for its own forces to achieve a strategic advantage, making it an indispensable unit in various combat scenarios. Attack groups are often composed of specialized military units, effectively pooling together their unique capabilities and strengths to deliver a coordinated assault on enemy positions.

These units may include infantry, armor, artillery, aviation, and special forces, all working in unison to maximize their impact and exploit vulnerabilities in the enemy’s defenses. Moreover, attack groups rely on superior intelligence and tactical communications to ensure that their actions are synchronized and adaptable to the unfolding situation on the battlefield.

Consequently, an attack group’s ability to execute their mission efficiently largely contributes to the success of wider military operations, reinforcing their significance in modern warfare.

Examples of Attack group

Operation Desert Storm (1991): Attack groups played a crucial role in the Persian Gulf War, which aimed to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. Coalition forces composed of the United States, the United Kingdom, and several other countries formed attack groups to carry out a series of coordinated airstrikes and ground assaults to weaken Iraqi defenses and eventually liberate Kuwait.

Operation Overlord (1944): Known as D-Day, this military operation was one of the largest amphibious assaults in history. The Allied forces launched an extensive series of attack groups made up of airborne, infantry, and armored divisions to secure a beachhead on the coast of Normandy. The successful landing and establishment of a foothold in France enabled the Allies to move forward and eventually defeat Nazi Germany.

Battle of Guadalcanal (1942-1943): During World War II, the United States and its allies conducted a series of military operations in the Pacific Theater. In the Battle of Guadalcanal, attack groups were formed from elements of the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Navy, and other allied forces. These groups were tasked with capturing airfields, fighting off Japanese counterattacks, and securing the valuable island of Guadalcanal. The hard-fought victory was a crucial step toward the eventual defeat of Japan in the Pacific War.

FAQ: Attack Group

What is an attack group?

An attack group is a military formation consisting of multiple units or elements that are assembled for a specific combat mission. Attack groups often include infantry, armor, artillery, air support, and other specialized forces. They work together to engage enemy targets and secure objectives on the battlefield.

What is the primary goal of an attack group?

The primary goal of an attack group is to conduct offensive operations against enemy forces, occupy key terrain, and achieve objectives specified by the commander. Attack groups are designed for flexibility, enabling them to adapt to changing battle conditions and exploit opportunities in the enemy’s defenses.

What types of units typically comprise an attack group?

An attack group generally consists of a variety of combat and support units, such as:

  • Infantry, including both light and mechanized forces
  • Armor, such as tanks and armored personnel carriers
  • Artillery for long-range fire support
  • Air support, including both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters
  • Special operations forces for reconnaissance and direct action missions
  • Logistics and support elements for resupply, maintenance, and medical services

How is an attack group organized and controlled?

Attack groups are typically organized and controlled by a hierarchical command structure, with different units and sub-units reporting to higher levels of authority. The overall commander of the attack group, typically a senior officer, is responsible for managing and directing the efforts of all units involved in the operation. This structure ensures effective coordination and communication between units and allows for rapid decision-making in response to changing battlefield conditions.

What factors influence the composition and size of an attack group?

The composition and size of an attack group are influenced by several factors, including the mission requirements, the specific combat environment, and the available resources. The primary factors taken into consideration are:

  • The nature of the enemy’s forces and defenses
  • The anticipated intensity and duration of the engagement
  • The terrain and environmental conditions
  • The availability of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets
  • The specific objectives and tasks assigned to the attack group

Based on these factors, military planners and commanders will determine the appropriate mix of forces and capabilities needed to accomplish the mission effectively and efficiently.

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Service-Connection
  • Expedited Claims Process
  • Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC)
  • Combat-Related Injury Rehabilitation Pay (CRIREP)
  • Presumptive Service-Connected Conditions

Sources for More Information

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