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Assault breaching

Definition Assault breaching is a military operation term referring to the forcible entry into fortified or defended areas, specifically to gain access any obstacles or barriers—such as walls, fences, or barricades—that may impede the progress of assault forces. Soldiers or engineers use a combination of specialized equipment, explosives, and tactics to conduct assault breaching operations. […]


Assault breaching is a military operation term referring to the forcible entry into fortified or defended areas, specifically to gain access any obstacles or barriers—such as walls, fences, or barricades—that may impede the progress of assault forces. Soldiers or engineers use a combination of specialized equipment, explosives, and tactics to conduct assault breaching operations. The breaching process is integral to successful assault missions, as it allows ground forces to penetrate enemy defenses swiftly and maintain momentum during the attack.

Key Takeaways

  1. Assault breaching refers to a coordinated military effort that aims to quickly and effectively penetrate the defensive obstacles and fortifications of an enemy, ultimately to gain entry and establish a foothold for further offensives.
  2. Assault breaching tactics typically involve the use of specialized equipment and vehicles, such as breaching charges, mine-clearing vehicles, or engineer units, as well as support from infantry, artillery, and air assets to provide suppressive fire and cover.
  3. The success of an assault breaching operation hinges on proper planning, effective communication and coordination among various military components, and the ability to rapidly adapt and respond to changing enemy activities and environmental conditions during the execution of the operation.


Assault breaching is a crucial military operations term as it refers to the systematic and coordinated process of overcoming an enemy’s defensive obstacles and fortifications, such as walls, barriers, or trenches, to facilitate an attacking force’s entry and swift progress.

This tactic is essential for successfully seizing control of strategic locations and achieving mission objectives.

Assault breaching operations often involve a combination of specialized personnel, equipment, and tactics, including sappers, explosive ordinance disposal units, armored vehicles, and close air support.

These elements work together to ensure the attacking force can effectively penetrate the enemy’s defenses, minimize casualties, and maintain momentum throughout the operation.

Ultimately, assault breaching is vital to the outcome of various military campaigns and engagements.


Assault breaching is a vital military operation that serves the overarching purpose of enabling military forces to overcome obstacles and secure their mission objectives. In the essence of modern warfare, troops often encounter well-fortified enemy positions, barriers, and complex defenses, making it increasingly difficult to advance and gain control of critical regions. In these scenarios, assault breaching is utilized to systematically break through these impediments by deploying a combination of tactics and specialized equipment.

This operation is instrumental in facilitating smooth progress and swift maneuvering of troops, which is crucial for maintaining the tactical momentum and minimizing casualties across the battlefield. Employing assault breaching operations necessitates meticulous planning, execution, and precise coordination among various military elements. This may involve a robust strategy, integrating the use of infantry, armored vehicles, engineering units, and artillery to create a unified and synchronized effort.

Assault breaching techniques can vary from manual efforts, such as using combat engineers with explosives to eliminate barricades, to employing breaching vehicles and mine-clearing equipment for large-scale operations. Additionally, it’s essential to maintain constant communication and cooperation between ground forces, artillery, and air support to ensure adequate cover and maximized damage against the enemy’s forces and installations. Ultimately, assault breaching serves as a critical tool in any military commander’s arsenal, significantly bolstering the chances of achieving victory and securing their objectives.

Examples of Assault breaching

Operation Overlord (D-Day) – June 6, 1944: One of the most well-known assault breaching operations in history occurred during World War II with the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord. More than 160,000 Allied troops, supported by over 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft, crossed the English Channel under heavy German resistance. The assault forces breached the heavily fortified German defensive positions along the Normandy coast, ultimately leading to the liberation of France and a significant turning point in the war.

Operation Just Cause – December 20, 1989: Assault breaching played a significant role during the U.S. invasion of Panama in Operation Just Cause. U.S. forces, including the 75th Ranger Regiment and other special operations forces, used assault breaching techniques to destroy or bypass Panamanian Defense Force garrisons and obstacles, such as minefields and fortified checkpoints. Equipment like explosive charges, grappling hooks, and other specialized breaching tools enabled the rapid penetration and neutralization of enemy defenses.

Battle of Fallujah (Operation Phantom Fury) – November-December 2004: This battle, during the Iraq War, saw U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army forces engaged in intense urban combat to clear the city of Fallujah of insurgent forces. Assault breaching played an essential role in overcoming fortified enemy positions, including houses and other reinforced structures that were occupied by insurgents. The breaching operations involved the use of sledgehammers, explosives, and other specialized breaching equipment to create entry points, allowing the U.S. forces to maneuver through the urban terrain and engage enemy combatants.


FAQ: Assault Breaching

1. What is assault breaching?

Assault breaching is a military tactic used to create an entry point into enemy territory, such as opening a door or breaking down a wall, in order to gain access to an area and engage hostile forces. This technique is most often used by special operations forces or assault teams to seize control of a target area.

2. What are some common methods of assault breaching?

Common methods of assault breaching include mechanical breaching (using tools like crowbars, sledgehammers or hydraulic rams), ballistic breaching (using firearms or shotguns to penetrate weak points), explosive breaching (using explosives to create an entry point), and thermal breaching (using devices like cutting torches to melt away barriers).

3. When should assault breaching be used in a military operation?

Assault breaching should be used when there are no other feasible methods of entering a target location, or when speed and surprise are critical factors in achieving mission success. It may be necessary when enemy defenses are too strong, or when gaining access quickly and efficiently is essential to minimize risk to military personnel.

4. Is assault breaching always successful?

Assault breaching is not always successful, as the success of this tactic largely depends on factors such as the skill level of the assault team, intelligence on the target location, and the strength of enemy defenses. Careful planning, reconnaissance, and coordination with other military assets can help improve the chance of success.

5. What are the risks associated with assault breaching?

Risks associated with assault breaching can include injury or death to military personnel due to enemy fire, structural collapse, or accidents with breaching equipment, as well as damage to sensitive infrastructure or civilian casualties. These risks can be mitigated through detailed planning, proper training, and use of specialized equipment.


Related Military Operation Terms

  • Perimeter security
  • Forced entry
  • Explosive breaching
  • Tactical raids
  • Urban combat

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