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Vermont Unemployment

Vermont Unemployment Insurance Benefits

VT Unemployment Insurance Benefits infographic

Vermont’s Department of Labor oversees its unemployment insurance benefits program, designed to help make ends meet for struggling Vermonters who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. 

Funding for the state unemployment insurance program comes entirely from Vermont employers who pay taxes that are directed into the unemployment insurance trust fund.  

Vermont Unemployment Services

Private WebsiteVermont Unemployment
Apply OnlineStart a Claim
Weekly CertificationContinue a Claim
Appeal a DenialAppealing UI Determinations
Find a Local OfficeResource Centers
Report Fraudhttps://labor.vermont.gov/fraud-reporting
Coronavirus Updateshttps://labor.vermont.gov/covid19

Am I Eligible for Unemployment Benefits?

VT Unemployment Eligibility infographic

To be eligible for UI benefits in Vermont, you must meet eligibility criteria. You must have worked in Vermont during the last 12 months, and are unemployed through no fault of your own. You should apply for unemployment insurance benefits if your work hours fall below 35 hours per week.

To be eligible for Vermont unemployment insurance benefits, you must be a resident of Vermont and all of the following must be true:

  • You are unemployed through no fault of your own
  • You worked in Vermont during the past 12 months
  • You earned a minimum amount of wages determined by Vermont guidelines
  • You are actively seeking work each week you are collecting benefits

Benefit Payments and Duration

Base PeriodFirst 4 of the last 5 completed quarters
Alt Base PeriodLast 4 completed quarters
Duration of BenefitsWeekly PaymentMaximum Benefits Amount (1 year)
21-26 weeks$74$531$13,338

How Do I Apply for Unemployment Benefits in Vermont?

To apply for unemployment insurance benefits, create an account with the Vermont Department of Labor at labor.vermont.gov. While you are collecting benefits, you will receive regular communication from the Vermont Department of Labor at the email address you provide.

The Vermont Department of Labor accepts online claims for unemployment insurance benefits. If you are unable to apply online, contact the Unemployment Insurance Claimant Assistance Center at 877-214-3330 between Monday and Saturday from 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. to discuss other options for filing your initial claim.

How Do I Manage My Unemployment Benefits?

VT Unemployment Manage Benefits infographic

Once your original claim for unemployment compensation has been approved, you must certify weekly to continue receiving benefits. As you file your first weekly claim certification, the system will prompt you to enter a four-digit Personal Identification Number of your choice, which you will need to input, along with your Social Security number, as part of each weekly benefit claim.

You are required to submit a weekly claim to continue receiving benefits. Once you are logged in, select “File an Unemployment Claim.” Detailed instructions for submitting your claim also are available within your Claimant Portal. You will be asked to answer specific questions about your job-search activities for the previous week to determine whether you still meet eligibility requirements.

Failure to submit a weekly claim at any point may result in a worker being denied unemployment insurance benefits for that week.

How Do I Appeal a Decision?

VT Unemployment Appeal Process infographic

Not every claim for unemployment insurance benefits is accepted by the Vermont Department of Labor. However, if you receive a denial of your claim, Vermont allows you to appeal your decision within 30 days using any of the following methods:

Online: Request a Hearing

Mail: Vermont Department of Labor
P. O. Box 488
Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0488

Email: labor.appeals@state.vt.us

Fax: 802-828-4289

In person: Deliver a statement of appeal in person at the administrative office:

Vermont Department of Labor
5 Green Mountain Drive
Montpelier, VT 05602

The appeal process consists of three levels, beginning with administrative law judge review, followed by an appeal to the Vermont Employment Security Board, and culminating with review by the Vermont Supreme Court.

How Do I Report Fraud?

The Vermont Department of Labor relies on participants to report instances of suspected unemployment insurance fraud. The source of these reports will remain anonymous. The Vermont Department of Labor offers online reporting of suspected fraud, including fraudulent communications, identity theft, claimant fraud, and misclassifications.

Vermont Unemployment Office Locations

Barre Resource Center5 Perry Street Suite 200
Barre, VT 05641
Bennington Resource Center200 Veterans Memorial Drive Suite 2
Bennington, VT 05201-1945
Brattleboro Career Resource Center28 Vernon Street Suite 212
Brattleboro, VT 05301
American Job Center63 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401-4331
Middlebury  Resource Center1590 Route 7 South Suite 5
Middlebury, VT 05753
Morrisville Resource Center197 Harrell Street
Morrisville, VT 05661
Newport Resource CenterEmory E. Hebard State Office Bldg
100 Main Street Suite 210
Newport, VT 05855
Rutland Resource Center200 ASA Bloomer Building 88
Rutland, VT 05701
Springfield Resource Center56 Main Street Suite 101
Springfield, VT 05156-2900
American Job Center27 Federal Street Suite 100
St. Albans, VT 05478-2246
St. Johnsbury American Job Center1197 Main Street Suite 1
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-0129
White River Junction  Resource Center118 Prospect Street Suite 28
White River Junction, VT 05001

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