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Global force management (GFM)


Global Force Management (GFM) is a Department of Defense (DOD) process for allocating and assigning military resources to worldwide operations and activities. It involves the identification, sourcing, and decision-making regarding the movement and positioning of military capacities. It aims to optimize the use of force elements, taking into account the immediate and future demands and commitments across different regions and theaters.

Key Takeaways

  1. Global Force Management (GFM) is an integral process used by the United States Department of Defense. It enables the allocation of capabilities provided by the military services in ways that support the National Defense Strategy.
  2. It consists of three main elements: force apportionment, force allocation, and force assignment, each of which serve different roles in the management and distribution of military resources globally.
  3. The GFM process is constantly updated and adjusted based on the changing geopolitical scenario, proposed military strategies, and available and emerging military resources. It emphasizes flexibility and the ability to respond to sudden changes in global military needs.


Global Force Management (GFM) is crucial because it ensures the most suitable allocation and application of the United States’ military capabilities to achieve national security objectives.

It involves the apportionment, assignment, and distribution of forces, allowing the Department of Defense to prioritize its missions and arrange its resources efficiently.

GFM’s systematic management facilitates timely decision making, promotes flexibility, improves response readiness, and maintains strategic balance.

Its significance lies in enabling the U.S.

military to be prepared for any crisis or contingency across the globe, enhancing the efficacy and ensuring the success of military operations.


Global Force Management (GFM) is designed to address the allocation and utilization of U.S. military resources in response to emerging global challenges, threats, and security commitments around the world. In essence, its purpose lies in the bidirectional movement of military forces and capabilities by establishing priorities that guide the assignment, distribution, and deployment of forces to meet national defense strategy demands.

Beyond simple placement and movement, GFM enables strategic agility of the U.S. military. It provides a systematic approach to global resource management, improving decision-making and risk assessment considering limited resources, to better adapt to dynamic international environments.

Through GFM’s adaptable and comprehensive system, higher-ups can make more informed decisions about mobilizing and positioning assets, ensuring effective readiness and response capabilities. As a result, it ensures that the required military power can be swiftly and efficiently projected wherever and whenever necessary to safeguard U.S. interests.

Examples of Global force management (GFM)

Operation Enduring Freedom: During this operation following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Global Force Management played a crucial role in organizing and deploying military forces. The US military used GFM to use resources and manpower effectively across the globe. This required significant force management to prioritize strategic resources and delegate them effectively.

Asia-Pacific Rebalance: This strategy, unveiled in 2011, required significant use of Global Force Management to shift military resources and focus towards the Asia-Pacific region. This involved reallocation of naval, aerial, and ground forces and considered the needs of the region versus global commitments.

Multinational Military Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq: The US exercised Global Force Management in conjunction with its international allies during these conflicts. These multinational efforts required significant coordination and allocation of resources, considering the commitments and capabilities of each party. This included the balancing of home defense needs with international commitments and optimizing the use of strategic resources.

Frequently Asked Questions: Global Force Management (GFM)

What is Global Force Management (GFM)?

Global Force Management (GFM) is a Department of Defense (DoD) process designed to strategically align the U.S. Military’s resources worldwide. This is done by assessing risk, determining requirements, prioritizing demands, and assigning military forces to address global challenges.

What are the main goals of GFM?

GFM aims to optimize the use of the U.S. Military’s resources, ensure that the highest priority demands are met with the most suitable capabilities, and maintain readiness to respond to emerging crises or unexpected requirements.

What are the roles of GFM?

GFM handles the worldwide distribution of U.S. Military forces and capabilities, coordination of force movement, force tracking, and risk assessments for unfulfilled requirements and force readiness.

How does GFM impact military operations?

GFM plays a crucial role in military planning and execution. It ensures that the U.S. Military has the right capabilities in the right places at the right times, providing the military with the strategic agility to respond to an array of challenges.

Who is in charge of GFM?

The Joint Staff J-8, Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate, is responsible for managing, executing and maintaining the GFM process on behalf of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Global Sourcing of Forces
  • Apportionment of Forces
  • Allocation of Forces
  • Force Readiness
  • Joint Deployment and Distribution

Sources for More Information

Sure, here are four reliable sources with information about the term ‘Global force management (GFM)’:

  • Joint Chiefs of Staff: This is the official page of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), a body of senior uniformed leaders in the United States Department of Defense. You can glean information on GFM from the directives and joint doctrines provided.
  • U.S. Department of Defense: This is the official website of the U.S. Department of Defense, where you can locate official statements, information, and policies related to GFM.
  • National Defense University Press: The NDU Press is a source for strategic research, Joint Professional Military Education, and information on topics related to national and international security. They may have published work referring to GFM.
  • Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: This page relates directly to the chairman of the JCS, who would have specific involvement with GFM strategies and concepts.

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