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Defense Support Program (DSP)


The Defense Support Program (DSP) is a program initiated by the United States Air Force that operates satellites in low earth orbit to detect missile launches, nuclear detonations, and other high infrared-emitting events. These observations aid in providing early warning for ballistic missile launches. The DSP also contributes to the assessment of space and missile activities, as well as technical intelligence and battlespace awareness.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Defense Support Program (DSP) is a military initiative by the United States aimed at establishing a series of strategic reconnaissance satellites with the function of detecting missile or other types of launches across the globe.
  2. DSP satellites utilize an infrared sensor to detect heat signatures from terrestrial sources. Their primary function is to identify the launch of ballistic missiles; however, they can also detect other events such as nuclear detonations, space launches, and large fires.
  3. Originally launched in the 1970s, the Defense Support Program has been consistently upgraded to enhance its abilities in early warning detection and threat assessment, playing a crucial role in national security for the U.S.


The Defense Support Program (DSP) is a vital element in military and defense operations, predominantly due to its function as an early warning system. DSP satellites orbit Earth and use infrared sensors to detect heat signatures from missile or rocket launches, nuclear detonations, and other high-intensity occurrences.

This provides the military with real-time information enabling quick response to potential threats. DSP aids in maintaining strategic stability by acting as a deterrent to adversaries contemplating surprise attacks, thereby significantly contributing to global security.

Importantly, it also enables timely deployment of defensive measures, thus mitigating potential damage and saving lives. In essence, the value of DSP lies in its ability to enhance situational awareness, which is imperative in modern military strategy.


The Defense Support Program (DSP) is a significant component of the U.S military’s early warning system. Its core purpose is to offer immediate detection and tracking of missile launches and nuclear detonations. The program operates through the use of satellites in geosynchronous orbits which employ infrared sensors to detect heat sources.

They’re designed to recognize the unique heat signature produced by a missile launch or nuclear detonation, thus enabling them to provide instant alerts in case of such events. These geosynchronous satellites essentially act as online, vigilant guardians, providing continuous, real-time updates about suspicious activities globally. DSP is not just limited to detection and tracking, but also collects critical data about the detected events.

This information includes the location of the launch, the projected trajectory of the missile, and its estimated point of impact. This ability to gather instant, comprehensive data is of paramount importance to the US military, as it enables them to respond swiftly and accordingly in moments of potential crisis. Hence, DSP stands as an invaluable tool in the prevention of potential nuclear threats and the maintenance of national security.

Examples of Defense Support Program (DSP)

The Defense Support Program (DSP) is a program run by the United States Air Force that operates a constellation of reconnaissance satellites in geosynchronous orbit to provide early warning of missile launches, nuclear detonations, and other high-altitude explosions. Here are three real-world examples related to the program:

Gulf War: The DSP satellites played a crucial role in the Gulf War in

These satellites detected the launch of Iraqi Scud missiles allowing allied forces to take appropriate actions in advance. This significantly improved the defense and protection of the forces positioned in the region.

North Korea’s Missile Program: The DSP satellite system, along with other US space-based sensors, has been integral in tracking North Korea’s missile program and testing activities. The satellites reliably detected the missile launches giving valuable data about the design, trajectory, and potential threat of these weapons.

Testing and Development of Missile Defense Systems: The DSP has been directly involved in the research, development, and testing of U.S. missile defense systems. The information obtained from these satellites enabled the development and improvement of missile defense technologies, ensuring reliable defense against incoming missile threats.

FAQs – Defense Support Program (DSP)

What is the Defense Support Program (DSP)?

The Defense Support Program (DSP) is a program by the U.S. Air Force that operates the reconnaissance satellites which form the principal component of the Satellite Early Warning System currently used by the United States.

What is the main purpose of DSP?

The primary purpose of DSP is to detect missile or spacecraft launches and nuclear explosions using sensors that detect the heat from these high-intensity events.

When was DSP first launched?

The Defense Support Program satellites have been launched continuously since the early 1970s, plying the skies to provide early warnings of missile launches.

How many DSP satellites are in orbit?

As of now, there are fewer than 10 DSP satellites in orbit, each capable of detecting infrared signatures from space, primarily heat from rocket and missile launches.

Who operates the DSP?

The DSP satellites are operated by air force satellite control network operators at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado, and the system’s nerve center is the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment system at North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Satellite Surveillance: This refers to the means by which the Defense Support Program collects data and intelligence. By using satellites, the DSP can monitor activities across the globe.
  • Infrared Sensors: These are crucial components of the DSP as they are used to detect missile launches, nuclear detonations, and other important activities around the globe.
  • Early Warning System: This is a key purpose of the DSP. By constantly monitoring global activities, the DSP is able to provide early warning of potential threats and conflicts.
  • Missile Defense: The DSP plays a key role in missile defense, as it detects missile launches and provides data that aids in the interception and neutralization of the missiles.
  • Air Force Space Command (AFSPC): This is the branch of the U.S. Air Force that is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the DSP and other space and cyberspace systems.

Sources for More Information

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