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Maine Unemployment

Maine Unemployment Insurance Benefits

The Maine Bureau of Unemployment Compensation operates the state’s unemployment insurance benefits program. The goal is to provide temporary financial assistance to unemployed workers.

These payments are designed to be a bridge for unemployed Maine workers and their families while workers seek new employment.

Maine Unemployment Services

Website maine.gov/unemployment/claimants
Private Website Maine Unemployment
Phone 800-593-7660
Email maine.gov/labor/contact/index.html
Apply Online https://reemployme.maine.gov
Weekly Certification File a Weekly Claim
Appeal a Denial https://www.maine.gov/unemployment/appeals
Find a Local Office Career Center Locations
Report Fraud https://www.maine.gov/unemployment/fraud
Coronavirus Updates https://www.maine.gov/labor/covid19

Am I Eligible for Unemployment Benefits in Maine?

While individual eligibility determinations cannot be made outside of an initial claim, in general, to be eligible for state unemployment benefits in Maine, a claimant should meet the following requirements:

  • The claimant lost a job through no fault of his or her own
  • The claimant is actively seeking a new job
  • The claimant is able and available to work, meaning all appropriate child care and transportation arrangements have been made
  • The claimant has sufficient work history and earned income over the immediate past five quarters to be considered monetarily eligible

If you think you may be eligible for unemployment compensation, or you are not sure, the state of Maine strongly encourages you to apply so you can find out for sure.

Benefit Payments and Duration

Base Period First 4 of the last 5 completed quarters
Alt Base Period Last 4 completed quarters
Duration of Benefits Weekly Payment Maximum Benefits Amount (1 year)
Min Max
15-26 weeks $80 $462 $11,570 – $17,342

How Do I Apply for Unemployment Benefits in Maine?

The easiest way for an unemployed worker to file an initial claim or weekly certification is to do so online.

First, you will sign into your ReEmployME account or create a new account during your first visit to the website. You will need a valid email address to set up your account, and you will be able to follow the clear, step-by-step instructions to either submit an initial claim or reopen an existing UI benefits claim. Once your account is set up, you can use it to check the status of your unemployment claim and to submit your weekly benefits certification.

If you do not have access to the Internet, you also may call 800-593-7660 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday to have someone help you submit your initial UI benefits claim over the phone. But please note that during periods of high volume, you may be placed on hold. Hold times can range from a few minutes to a half-hour. If you are placed on hold, it’s important to stay on the line so that you don’t lose your spot in the queue.

How Do I Manage My Maine Unemployment Benefits?

Each week that you request UI benefits, you must certify your eligibility. This is usually a quick and simple process of answering a few questions and reporting your work search activities for the previous week. Did you receive any offer of employment, for example, and if so, did you accept or decline it? You must also report any earnings for part-time or consulting work.

You can file weekly benefit certifications using the ReEmployME account you set up when submitting your original UI benefits claim. Just select Weekly Certification under Quick Links. You may also file your weekly certification by phone at 800-593-7660.

Even if you choose to submit your weekly certification over the phone, you must still log in to ReEmployME to submit all pertinent information about your weekly work search.

How Do I Appeal a Decision?

Both an employee and the employer have the option of appealing any determination related to your unemployment claim.

You can submit a request for appeal in writing, making sure to include all the following information:

  • Deputy's Decision Number – which should be on your letter of determination
  • Claimant's Social Security Number
  • Benefit Year Ending

The state of Maine asks that you file your request for appeal within 15 calendar days of the mailing date of your decision letter.

You may submit your request for appeal via any of the following methods:

  • Online: ReEmployME System
  • Email: Admin.Hearings@Maine.gov
  • Phone: 207-621-5001
  • Fax: 207-287-5949

The state of Maine asks that you not send your request for appeal through the U.S. postal service or hand-deliver it to any Maine Department of Labor location.

How Do I Report Fraud?

Collecting unemployment benefits based on giving information is considered unemployment fraud. Unemployment fraud is a crime taken very seriously in Maine, and the state is committed to ensuring that UI benefits end up in the hands of those who truly need them the most.

If you suspect someone of fraudulently collecting unemployment benefits, or of stealing your identity to commit unemployment fraud, you should report your concerns using the state of Maine’s online reporting form.

Maine Unemployment Office Locations

Calais Unemployment Office One College Drive
Calais, ME 04619
Unemployment Office – Hinkley 23 Stanley Road
Hinkley, ME 04944
Unemployment Office at Lewiston 5 Mollison Way
Lewiston, ME 04240-5805
Unemployment Office at Machias 53 Prescott Drive Suite 1
Machias, ME 04654
Portland Unemployment Office 151 Jetport Boulevard
Portland, ME 04102
Unemployment Office at Presque Isle 66 Spruce Street Suite 1
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Unemployment Office at Rockland 91 Camden Street Suite 201
Rockland, ME 04841
York County Unemployment Office 9 Bodwell Court
Springvale, ME 04083
Unemployment Office at Wilton 865 US Route 2E
Wilton, ME 04294

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