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CHAMPVA for Children

Definition CHAMPVA for Children refers to healthcare benefits under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). It provides healthcare coverage for eligible dependents of qualifying veterans, including children under the age of 18 or those under 23 if enrolled in school full-time. The program covers medical services, prescriptions, and […]


CHAMPVA for Children refers to healthcare benefits under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). It provides healthcare coverage for eligible dependents of qualifying veterans, including children under the age of 18 or those under 23 if enrolled in school full-time. The program covers medical services, prescriptions, and supplies for children, with some limitations and cost-sharing requirements, helping to ease the financial burden on veteran families.

Key Takeaways

  1. CHAMPVA for Children provides healthcare coverage for dependent children of qualifying veterans who are not eligible for Tricare, allowing access to a wide range of medical services and treatments.
  2. Eligibility typically extends until dependent children reach the age of 18, or up until 23 if they are full-time students, ensuring they receive the necessary healthcare and support throughout their formative years.
  3. The program helps to reduce out-of-pocket medical expenses for families by covering many essential services, including primary care appointments, mental health services, prescriptions, and more, leading to improved health outcomes for the children of veterans.


The VA benefits term CHAMPVA for Children is important because it ensures that eligible dependent children of disabled veterans have access to necessary healthcare services.

This program, which stands for Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, covers the medical needs of children whose parents are either permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related disability or have died from a service-connected disability.

By offering comprehensive healthcare benefits, CHAMPVA for Children not only eases the financial burden of medical expenses for these families but also contributes to the overall well-being and quality of life for the children of veterans who have given so much in service to their country.


The CHAMPVA for Children program serves as a critical healthcare support system designed to cater to the unique needs of eligible children of veterans with specific qualifying circumstances. The primary purpose of this program is to ensure that these children have access to quality healthcare services without imposing undue financial burdens on their families.

This coverage extends to a wide range of medical services, such as hospitalizations, outpatient procedures, prescriptions, and mental health care, which are deemed necessary for the child’s well-being. By covering a significant portion of healthcare costs, CHAMPVA for Children aims to mitigate the challenges faced by families of veterans in meeting their children’s health and wellness needs.

Beyond just addressing the basic healthcare requirements, CHAMPVA for Children also acknowledges the essential role that preventive and developmental care plays in the lives of these children. Consequently, the program encompasses provisions that cover routine check-ups, immunizations, and dental care, among other essential services.

By providing comprehensive healthcare coverage, CHAMPVA for Children not only stands as an indispensable support system for the veterans’ families but also contributes to the holistic development of the children, fostering healthier lives and brighter futures.

Examples of CHAMPVA for Children

CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs) for Children provides healthcare benefits to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, are survivors of veterans who died in the line of duty or from a service-related condition, or dependents of veterans with a permanent and total disability rating.Here are three real-world examples of how CHAMPVA for Children can be utilized:

Medical Care: A 10-year-old child of a permanently disabled veteran suffers from asthma. With CHAMPVA for Children, the child can receive regular checkups, prescription medication, and any necessary medical treatment related to their asthma condition, at lower or no cost.

Mental Health Services: A 14-year-old child of a deceased veteran struggles with anxiety and depression after losing their parent. CHAMPVA for Children can provide the necessary mental health care, including therapy and counseling sessions, to help the adolescent cope with their grief and mental health challenges.

Dental Care: A 16-year-old child of a permanently disabled veteran requires braces to correct an overbite. CHAMPVA for Children can contribute to the cost of orthodontic treatment and any other necessary dental care to ensure the youth maintains good oral health. Note that dental care is usually not covered directly by CHAMPVA, but through a separate dental plan called CHAMPVA Dental Program (CDBP).In all three examples, CHAMPVA for Children supports the children of eligible veterans by ensuring they have access to essential healthcare services as they grow and develop.

FAQ – CHAMPVA for Children

1. What is CHAMPVA?

CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs) is a comprehensive healthcare program provided to the spouses, surviving spouses, and dependent children of certain eligible Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled, deceased, or retired.

2. How do I know if my child is eligible for CHAMPVA?

Your child may be eligible for CHAMPVA if they fall under one of the following categories:
– You are the child of a veteran who is permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition; or
– You are the child of a veteran who died as a result of a service-related disability; or
– You are the child of a veteran who was rated permanently and totally disabled at the time of death.
Additionally, your child must be under the age of 18, or between the ages of 18 and 23 and currently attending an approved educational institution.

3. How do I apply for CHAMPVA for my child?

To apply for CHAMPVA benefits for your child, you need to submit CHAMPVA application form VA Form 10-10d, along with the required documentation. You can find the form on the VA’s website—download, fill, and submit it by mail. The required documents include the Veteran’s information, the child’s birth certificate, and proof of the child’s dependency.

4. What medical services are covered under CHAMPVA for Children?

CHAMPVA covers most medically necessary services and supplies, including inpatient and outpatient care, prescription medications, mental health care, maternity and newborn care, and preventive services. CHAMPVA also provides limited dental care for children. Refer to the CHAMPVA handbook for a complete list of covered and non-covered services.

5. Can my child receive services from a civilian community provider?

Yes, CHAMPVA allows children to receive healthcare services from civilian community providers. However, it is essential to ensure that the provider is willing to accept CHAMPVA insurance before scheduling any appointments or treatments.

6. Will CHAMPVA cover my child’s college health insurance?

No, CHAMPVA does not cover college or university-sponsored health insurance plans. However, CHAMPVA will continue to provide benefits for your child’s healthcare as long as they remain eligible and enrolled in the program.

Related VA Benefit Terms

  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Medical Coverage
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Cost Sharing
  • Claims Process

Sources for More Information

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