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Bilateral Lower Extremities

Definition The term “Bilateral Lower Extremities” in VA benefits context refers to both legs, typically when assessing a veteran’s disability benefits. It is used for evaluating the physical impairment or limitations a veteran experiences in their legs. This assessment considers the combined impact of service-connected disabilities on a veteran’s overall functionality and mobility. Key Takeaways […]


The term “Bilateral Lower Extremities” in VA benefits context refers to both legs, typically when assessing a veteran’s disability benefits. It is used for evaluating the physical impairment or limitations a veteran experiences in their legs. This assessment considers the combined impact of service-connected disabilities on a veteran’s overall functionality and mobility.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bilateral Lower Extremities refers to the lower limbs of an individual, specifically both the right and left legs, including components such as feet, ankles, knees, and hips.
  2. In the context of VA benefits, the term is used when assessing a veteran’s disability status and potential compensation for service-connected injuries or conditions affecting both lower extremities.
  3. When calculating disability compensation for bilateral lower extremity conditions, the VA may use the Combined Ratings Table and the Bilateral Factor, which can possibly result in higher compensation for veterans with conditions affecting both legs.


The term “Bilateral Lower Extremities” is important in the context of VA benefits because it refers to a critical aspect of a veteran’s medical condition involving both legs.

Typically, this term is used to describe disabilities or impairments affecting a veteran’s ability to perform daily activities, such as walking or standing.

For those applying for VA benefits, accurately reporting the level of disability in their bilateral lower extremities can significantly impact the amount of compensation they receive.

By properly evaluating and documenting these disabilities, veterans are better able to ensure that they receive the appropriate level of support and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs, thereby achieving an improved quality of life as they cope with their service-related injuries.


Bilateral Lower Extremities, in the context of VA benefits, refers to a specific category of disability ratings used to assess the degree of impairment and compensation for veterans with service-connected injuries or conditions affecting both legs. The purpose of this categorization is to provide an equitable evaluation system that takes into account the synergistic effect of disabilities affecting the veteran’s overall mobility, functionality, and quality of life.

This ensures that veterans with disabilities impacting both lower extremities receive the proper support and compensation they deserve based on the severity of their condition. A veteran’s disability rating plays a vital role in determining the amount of monthly compensation they receive, as well as other benefits and services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA evaluates disabilities affecting the bilateral lower extremities using a combined rating system that takes into consideration the impact of each individual disability on the veteran’s overall functional capacity.

By using this approach, the VA acknowledges that disabilities in both lower extremities have a cumulative effect, making it more challenging for veterans to perform daily activities and maintain gainful employment. Ultimately, the determination of bilateral lower extremity disability ratings plays a crucial role in ensuring that veterans obtain the necessary support for their rehabilitation and integration into civilian life.

Examples of Bilateral Lower Extremities

The term “Bilateral Lower Extremities” refers to both legs, specifically when discussing medical conditions, disabilities, or impairments that affect them. In the context of VA benefits, this term is often used for veterans who have service-related disabilities or injuries affecting both of their legs. Here are three real-world examples of situations that involve bilateral lower extremities:

A veteran who served in the military and sustained injuries from an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) explosion, resulting in partial or full amputations of both legs. This individual would likely qualify for VA benefits due to the extent of their service-related bilateral lower extremity disability.

A veteran who developed peripheral neuropathy in both legs due to exposure to hazardous chemicals during their military service, such as Agent Orange. This condition could cause chronic pain, numbness, and muscle weakness in the bilateral lower extremities, impacting the individual’s ability to work and complete daily tasks. They may be eligible for VA benefits to help with medical treatment and disability compensation.

A veteran who suffered from severe knee injuries in both legs during combat training exercises, which later resulted in the development of osteoarthritis in the bilateral lower extremities. The veteran might require ongoing pain management and mobility assistance, making them potentially eligible for VA benefits and support services.

FAQ: Bilateral Lower Extremities

What are bilateral lower extremities?

Bilateral lower extremities refer to both legs, from the hips to the feet. It commonly pertains to medical conditions, treatments, or disabilities affecting both legs.

How is a bilateral lower extremities rating for VA benefits determined?

The bilateral lower extremities rating for VA benefits is determined through a thorough examination of the veteran’s medical history, treatments, and disabilities affecting both legs. The VA uses the combined ratings table to calculate the compensated disability rating, which takes into account the degree of each disability and its impact on the overall functioning of the veteran.

Are there any specific VA benefits for bilateral lower extremities disabilities?

Veterans with disabilities affecting both lower extremities may be eligible for various VA benefits such as disability compensation, healthcare services, prosthetic equipment, rehabilitation programs, and adapted housing grants. The specific benefits depend on the severity of the disabilities and other individual factors.

What can be done to help veterans with bilateral lower extremities disabilities?

Helping veterans with bilateral lower extremities disabilities may involve medical care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, mental health support, adaptive equipment and technology, and community-based resources. Depending on the veteran’s needs, VA benefits can provide assistance in these areas to improve the veteran’s overall quality of life.

How can veterans apply for VA benefits for bilateral lower extremities disabilities?

Veterans can apply for VA benefits for bilateral lower extremities disabilities by completing the Application for Disability Compensation and Related Compensation Benefits (VA Form 21-526EZ) or applying online through the Veterans Online Application (VONAPP) at the eBenefits website. Supporting documents, such as medical records and service treatment records, should be included in the application. It is crucial to provide comprehensive information to facilitate the claim’s accurate evaluation.

Related VA Benefit Terms

  • Prosthetic devices
  • Orthopedic rehabilitation
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Physical therapy
  • Disability compensation

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