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Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services


Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services (ICMHR) refers to a comprehensive, community-based approach for aiding veterans with severe mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and/or substance abuse disorders. The primary aim of ICMHR is to foster resilience, stability, and overall well-being within the veteran community through personalized care and support services. These services may include therapy, medication management, case management, and vocational training, designed to empower veterans and facilitate their successful reintegration into society.

Key Takeaways

  1. Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services (ICMHRS) are designed to provide comprehensive, community-based mental health care to veterans with serious mental illnesses, aiming to promote their recovery and community integration.
  2. These services include case management, medication management, psychosocial interventions, crisis intervention, and vocational support, tailored to address the specific needs of each veteran enrolled in the program.
  3. ICMHRS emphasizes a collaborative approach, involving the veteran, their family, and a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, to develop a person-centered treatment plan and help the veterans achieve their personal goals.


Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services (ICMHRS) is a crucial component of the VA benefits system as it addresses the critical mental health needs of veterans who struggle with severe mental illnesses such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

By focusing on the delivery of holistic, community-based care, ICMHRS aims to support veterans in achieving a successful reintegration into society, fostering long-term recovery, and reducing the pressures on their families who may also be struggling with the challenges associated with mental ill-health.

This comprehensive approach, which includes therapy, case management, and vocational support, demonstrates the VA’s commitment to improving the lives of veterans and their families by prioritizing mental health as an essential part of their overall well-being.


Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services (ICMHR) serve an essential purpose in the care and rehabilitation of veterans who may be experiencing serious mental health issues. The primary aim of these services is to foster a supportive recovery process by focusing on providing comprehensive, individualized, and robust mental health care in a community-based setting.

ICMHR endeavors to empower veterans to regain a sense of control over their lives by helping them develop the essential skills and coping strategies necessary for successfully managing their mental health challenges. The ultimate goal of these services is to improve veterans’ quality of life, reintegration into society, and overall well-being.

ICMHR is utilized in various situations, such as for individuals who may need additional support transitioning from inpatient care back into the community or those who may be struggling with severe mental health issues that require more than traditional outpatient services. By providing a wide array of care options tailored to the unique needs of each veteran, ICMHR services can include clinical care management, psychiatric care, substance abuse treatment, psychotherapy, and assistance in daily living activities.

Alongside these offerings, veterans also receive education, employment support, and access to peer support networks to help promote social connections and community involvement. These holistic services are designed to support each veteran on their individual path to recovery and allow them to reintegrate into society as they continue to strengthen their mental health.

Examples of Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services

Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery (ICMHR) Services are designed to support veterans with severe and persistent mental health conditions, helping them to lead fulfilling and independent lives within their communities.Here are three real-world examples of ICMHR services:

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Teams: ACT teams are comprised of mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, and vocational specialists, who provide comprehensive and personalized psychiatric care to veterans. These multidisciplinary teams work together to coordinate and monitor veterans’ services, focusing on treatment, rehabilitation, and support in their community settings. This collaborative approach enables veterans with severe mental health conditions to be more independent and helps them to manage their symptoms in the community setting.

Supportive Housing Programs: For veterans dealing with severe mental illness and homelessness, the ICMHR services can include supportive housing programs, like Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH). These programs work closely with local housing agencies to provide permanent, supportive housing to eligible veterans, as well as case management and mental health services. These programs help veterans to find stable housing and concurrently receive supportive services, enabling them to recover and reintegrate into their communities.

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Services: Many veterans with severe mental health conditions face barriers to employment, affecting their ability to live independently in the community. Programs like the Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) and the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) can provide job placement assistance, supported employment, and vocational training. The ICMHR services coordinate with these programs to help veterans find meaningful employment, which can lead to improved mental health and increased self-sufficiency in the community.

Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services FAQ

What are Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services?

Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery (ICMHR) Services are comprehensive, community-based mental health care programs designed to support Veterans with severe mental health needs. These services aim to help veterans achieve stability, maintain independence, and improve overall quality of life.

Who is eligible for Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services?

Veterans who have a severe and ongoing mental health condition, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or chronic severe depression, may be eligible for ICMHR services. Additional eligibility requirements may include unsuccessful past treatments, a high risk for psychiatric hospitalization, or homelessness.

What types of support do ICMHR Services offer?

ICMHR services provide a wide range of support, including case management, crisis intervention, medication management, psychotherapy, and skill-building group therapy. Support is often provided through a coordinated team of mental health professionals that may include a psychiatrist, peer support specialist, nurse, or social worker.

How do I enroll in ICMHR Services?

To enroll in ICMHR Services, contact your local VA medical center or community-based outpatient clinic (CBOC). A mental health professional will assess your needs and determine if you meet the eligibility requirements for the program. You may also be referred to the program by other VA mental health providers or care coordinators.

Will my family be involved in my ICMHR treatment plan?

Family involvement is often an essential component of ICMHR treatment plans. With your permission, your treatment team may work with your family members to help them better understand your mental health condition and learn how to best support your recovery efforts.

Related VA Benefit Terms

  • Community-Based Support Services
  • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
  • Recovery-Oriented Care
  • Peer Support Specialists
  • Individualized Mental Health Treatment Plans

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