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Korean War Veterans

Definition Korean War Veterans refer to individuals who served in the active military, naval, or air forces of the United States during the Korean War. The war took place between June 27, 1950, and January 31, 1955. These veterans are eligible for various VA benefits such as healthcare, disability compensation, education, and vocational rehabilitation services, […]


Korean War Veterans refer to individuals who served in the active military, naval, or air forces of the United States during the Korean War. The war took place between June 27, 1950, and January 31, 1955. These veterans are eligible for various VA benefits such as healthcare, disability compensation, education, and vocational rehabilitation services, among others.

Key Takeaways

  1. Korean War Veterans refers to those who served in the United States Armed Forces during the Korean War, which lasted from June 25, 1950, to January 31, 1955.
  2. These veterans are eligible for various VA benefits, including healthcare, disability compensation, education and training, and pension programs, among others.
  3. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers numerous resources, programs, and services to support Korean War Veterans and their families, including the National Service Officers (NSOs), Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs), and local VA offices.


The term “Korean War Veterans” holds significant importance in the context of VA benefits, as it specifically recognizes the group of brave men and women who served and sacrificed during the Korean War (June 27, 1950 – January 31, 1955). These veterans are entitled to a range of benefits, such as healthcare, education, disability compensation, pensions, vocational rehabilitation, and other financial assistance, through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Acknowledging Korean War Veterans helps ensure that they receive proper support, services, and gratitude for their selfless devotion towards protecting our nation, upholding democracy, and maintaining global peace.

The term serves as a reminder of their immense contribution and the importance of addressing their unique needs, both as a means to honor their sacrifices and as a commitment the government makes to support all veterans for their service.


The term “Korean War Veterans” refers to those individuals who served in the United States Armed Forces during the Korean War from June 25, 1950, to January 31, 1955. The primary purpose of recognizing these veterans is to honor their service and sacrifices made during this contentious period in history. As such, these individuals are eligible for various benefits provided by the U.S.

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to support their health, financial, educational, and overall well-being post-service. The emphasis on Korean War Veterans as a distinct group ensures that these VA benefits are tailored to address the unique challenges and difficulties these men and women faced during and after their military service in the Korean War. One major aspect of the VA benefits for Korean War Veterans includes access to healthcare and compensation for service-connected disabilities or illnesses resulting from their military service.

This may involve treatment for physical injuries, mental health conditions, or exposure to hazardous substances and environmental hazards experienced during the war. In addition to healthcare, Korean War Veterans may also be eligible for various educational, vocational, and financial benefits such as the Montgomery GI Bill, Veterans’ preference in federal employment, and pension programs. These resources aim to provide Korean War Veterans with the necessary tools and opportunities to reintegrate into civilian society, pursue fulfilling careers, and maintain a comfortable standard of living.

Overall, the purpose of acknowledging and supporting Korean War Veterans through VA benefits helps to express the nation’s gratitude for their service while ensuring their well-being and successful transition into post-service life.

Examples of Korean War Veterans

Gilbert “Gibby” Bogardus: A real-world example of a Korean War veteran who benefits from VA Benefits is Gilbert “Gibby” Bogardus. Gibby was a member of the United States Air Force and served in the Korean War from 1951 to

After his service, Gibby took advantage of the VA benefits such as educational assistance under the GI Bill to enhance his career in the field of telecommunications. He continues to receive healthcare and other benefits through the VA in the form of regular check-ups, access to a primary care provider, and various other services.

Alfonso Montiel: Alfonso Montiel is another example of a Korean War veteran utilizing VA benefits. Montiel, originally from Texas, enlisted in the United States Army and served in Korea from 1950 to

He earned multiple medals and honors for his service, including the Bronze Star. Following his time in the military, Montiel received assistance from the VA benefits system through the form of home loans, helping him to provide stable housing for his family. Additionally, Montiel receives healthcare services through the VA, ensuring his ongoing well-being in his later years.

Ethel Baisden: Ethel Baisden joined the Army Nurse Corps during the Korean War. Baisden was deployed to Korea in 1950, working as a nurse in several military hospitals throughout her service. After returning to the United States, Ethel was able to access numerous VA benefits as a Korean War veteran. Baisden took advantage of educational benefits provided by the VA, completing a BSN and later a Master’s degree in Nursing Administration. Over the years, while working in various nursing positions, Ethel continued to use her VA benefits, including healthcare services, to support her long and fulfilling career in the field of healthcare.

Korean War Veterans VA Benefits FAQ

1. What benefits are available to Korean War Veterans?

Korean War Veterans are eligible for various benefits such as disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation, and employment services, provided they meet certain criteria for each benefit type.

2. How do I determine my eligibility for VA benefits as a Korean War Veteran?

The specific eligibility criteria for each VA benefits type can be found on the VA website. Additionally, you can contact your local VA office or Veterans Service Organization (VSO) for guidance on determining eligibility.

3. How do I apply for VA benefits if I’m a Korean War Veteran?

You can apply for most VA benefits online through the VA website. You may also apply by mail, in-person, or through the assistance of a Veterans Service Organization (VSO) or VA-approved representative.

4. Are there any special benefits or programs specifically designed for Korean War Veterans?

Korean War Veterans may qualify for enhanced benefits such as VA health care services, Agent Orange-related compensation for those who served in the Korean DMZ, and the Camp Lejeune Family Member Program for those affected by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.

5. Can Korean War Veterans qualify for special Service-Connected Disability Compensation?

Yes, Korean War Veterans who suffer from conditions related to their military service, such as exposure to Agent Orange in the Korean DMZ or service-related injuries, may be eligible for Service-Connected Disability Compensation. The compensation amount depends on the severity of the disability and the impact on the veteran’s ability to work.

Related VA Benefit Terms

  • GI Bill for Korean War Veterans
  • Korean War Veterans Memorial
  • Korean War Service Medal
  • VA Healthcare for Korean War Veterans
  • Disability Compensation for Korean War Veterans

Sources for More Information

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