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Where Can I Get Disability Forms?

The Social Security Administration has a portal where you can download your disability application form to fill out during your most convenient time.

What does a disability form do for me?

Disability Form Purpose infographic

The disability form is the first step to getting financial help from the government, especially if you have lost your income due to your new circumstances. However, the aid you receive following the application and approval will only replace a portion of your previous salary after a sustained injury or qualifying illness.

The Social Security Agency website contains all the information you need to get disability benefits. You can go to the website for the online application to become eligible, provided that you are:

  • 18 years old or older
  • Not working due to your medical condition that is projected to last at least one year or if you have a terminal illness
  • Not receiving any benefit based on your Social Security records
  • Not refused any disability benefits for the previous two months before your application

Am I eligible to fill out a disability form?

Disability Form Eligibility infographic

The Social Security website has outlined the requirements for you to get a disability claim. For instance:

  • If you cannot find any gainful work substantially
  • If you work for an employer whose company is covered by Social Security
  • You can get disability services if your condition lasts for at least one month

It means that if you only sustained a partial disability or if your condition is considered short-term, you cannot receive disability services.

For the full list of disabling conditions, you can go here.

Finally, you can receive a disability benefit if your condition is listed in the Social Security’s Disability determination services.

Disability forms are also available for specific child care cases. You may use your disability claim to pay child support, especially if you are legally required to do so by the court. However, the disability adjudication board will evaluate each application form for eligibility.

Where can I find a disability form?

Accessing Disability Forms infographic

You can download the Social Security disability benefits form from the government website.

You may also call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) for more information regarding the Social Security disability form.

Can I apply both online and in person?

You may personally turn in your application form for disability insurance or through the Social Security portal’s online services. You do not need an appointment. However, prepare to deal with long queues when you get there. Even if you call ahead, it’s not guaranteed you will avoid the lines.

Your local Social Security office will give you more information on medical insurance, disability process, disability benefits application, and other health care questions.

What do I need to bring for my disability claim application?

When you submit your application form, you will have to attach other supporting documents such as:

  • Your birth certificate
  • Proof that you are a U.S. citizen or a legal migrant if you are not born in the U.S.
  • W-2 forms or your tax returns for self-employed
  • If you were in the military, you need to submit documents showing your tour of duty, branch, and the number of years in the service.
  • The adult disability report, which details your injury or lingering illness, including your work history
  • Any proof that you received compensation or similar benefit from your employer
  • You also need to show a paper containing the medical evidence, including the doctor’s certificate and the latest lab tests.
Disability Application infographic

Of course, the Social Security disability adjudication may require you to present additional documents proving your insurance benefits eligibility.

It would be best to download the disability checklist and print it for reference. You can download the checklist here.

Where do I turn in my disability form?

The best part of the disability process is the ability to submit your application form via the Internet. You do not have to leave your home to take advantage of the Social Security online services. You will also get a confirmation of your application through text or email.

The disability adjudication board will review your application form, medical record, and other proofs. You may also receive an email or text if they need more information from you. Finally, they will process your application and inform you of their final decision.

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