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Collection point (CP)

Definition A collection point (CP) refers to a designated location within a military operational area where casualties, detainees, or other individuals are gathered for further processing or transportation. It is typically established in a secure area and serves as a temporary holding facility. The primary role of a CP is to efficiently manage resources and […]


A collection point (CP) refers to a designated location within a military operational area where casualties, detainees, or other individuals are gathered for further processing or transportation. It is typically established in a secure area and serves as a temporary holding facility. The primary role of a CP is to efficiently manage resources and ensure the safety and well-being of the individuals present until they can be moved to their next destination.

Key Takeaways

  1. A Collection Point (CP) is a designated location or facility where casualties, prisoners, and other personnel or equipment are gathered and temporarily held for further processing, treatment or evacuation.
  2. CPs are essential for efficient management and organization during military operations. They help in maintaining order, facilitating communication and coordination, and ensuring the proper allocation of resources.
  3. There can be various types of Collection Points, such as Casualty Collection Points (CCPs) for wounded personnel, Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Collection Points for captured enemy combatants, and Equipment Collection Points for damaged or recovered vehicles and weapons.


The military operations term “Collection Point (CP)” holds significant importance as it serves as a designated location, where resources, personnel, or casualties are gathered, organized, and processed during the course of military operations.

Having a well-defined CP ensures efficient coordination, communication, and control, enabling military forces to optimize the use of critical assets, maintain strategic situational awareness, and manage relevant information effectively.

Furthermore, it allows for streamlined logistical support and medical care for wounded troops, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the operation and the mission objectives.


Collection points (CPs) play a crucial role in facilitating the efficient management and organization of military resources during operations. The primary purpose of a collection point is to serve as a designated area, generally situated at a strategic location, where various essential resources such as personnel, equipment, vehicles, and supplies are assembled, organized, and disseminated as necessary.

These critical operational hubs ensure that resources are readily available and can be rapidly deployed in a coordinated fashion, streamlining the flow of troops, equipment, and logistics to support missions and enhance overall combat readiness. Furthermore, collection points function as central locations for temporarily staging evacuees, handling casualties, and managing prisoners of war (POWs) during military operations.

Effectively coordinating the treatment and evacuation of wounded troops, as well as the proper processing and handling of captives, is integral to maintaining both operational effectiveness and adherence to established rules of engagement. By centralizing these integral processes at collection points, military commanders can make informed decisions based on a holistic overview of the operational landscape, which ultimately contributes to the successful execution of missions and the preservation of military personnel’s welfare.

Examples of Collection point (CP)

Battle of Mogadishu (1993): During the operation in Mogadishu, Somalia, the U.S. Army Rangers and Delta Force set up several collection points to gather their wounded and dead soldiers during the intense urban combat. These CPs served as critical areas to provide immediate medical assistance and a secure location for soldiers to regroup before being transported back to their base or moved to another location.

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003): In the initial phase of the invasion of Iraq, the U.S. military established multiple collection points across the country to manage the collection and transport of wounded or killed service members, as well as intelligence information and confiscated enemy equipment. These CPs played an essential role in ensuring that service members received timely medical care and that valuable information and resources were quickly relayed to the appropriate units.

United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia (2003-2018): During this peacekeeping operation, Collection Points were established by international forces as part of the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) process for ex-combatants. These collection points served as secured locations where former fighters would turn in their weapons and receive assistance in transitioning back to civilian life, such as vocational training, education, and medical care.

FAQ: Collection Point (CP) in Military Operations

What is a Collection Point (CP) in military operations?

A Collection Point (CP) refers to a specific location or area designated for the assembly, processing, and evacuation of casualties, prisoners of war, or other personnel and materials. It is a crucial aspect of military operations for effective organization and management of resources.

What is the main purpose of a Collection Point (CP)?

The primary purpose of a Collection Point is to ensure an organized and controlled evacuation and processing of personnel or materials in a military operation. CPs help manage resources efficiently, prioritize the treatment and evacuation of casualties, and facilitate the transfer of critical information and supplies between units.

How are Collection Points (CPs) established?

Collection Points are typically established by the command element responsible for the specific operation or area. The location, size, and structure of the CP will depend on factors such as terrain, the nature of the operation, expected number of personnel or materials, and available resources. Once established, the CP will be marked on maps and known to all personnel involved in the operation.

What are some common types of Collection Points (CPs)?

Some common types of Collection Points in military operations include Casualty Collection Points (CCPs), where injured personnel are gathered for medical treatment and evacuation; Prisoner of War Collection Points (PWCPs), for holding and processing captured enemy combatants; and Supply Collection Points (SCPs), for consolidating and distributing necessary supplies and equipment for the operation.

What is the role of medical personnel at a Casualty Collection Point (CCP)?

At a Casualty Collection Point, medical personnel play a critical role in triaging, treating, and stabilizing injured personnel. They assess the severity of each casualty’s injuries, provide initial treatment, and prioritize evacuation based on the need for further medical care. Medical personnel at CCPs work closely with other units to coordinate the evacuation of casualties to higher levels of care, such as field hospitals or medical facilities.

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Disbursement of Benefits
  • Regional Processing Office (RPO)
  • Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)
  • Compensation and Pension (C&P) Payments
  • VA Education and Training (E&T) Payments

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