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Board-Certified Neurologist

Definition A Board-Certified Neurologist is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system. They have completed an accredited neurology residency program and have successfully passed the neurology board certification examination. This certification indicates they possess the knowledge, skills, and competence necessary to provide high-quality neurological care. […]


A Board-Certified Neurologist is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system. They have completed an accredited neurology residency program and have successfully passed the neurology board certification examination. This certification indicates they possess the knowledge, skills, and competence necessary to provide high-quality neurological care.

Key Takeaways

  1. A Board-Certified Neurologist is a medical doctor who has completed specialized training in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neurological conditions and has passed the required board certification examination.
  2. VA benefits may cover consultations and treatments provided by a Board-Certified Neurologist for eligible veterans, especially for neurological issues related to their military service.
  3. When seeking neurological care within the VA healthcare system, it is important for veterans to ensure their chosen neurologist holds board certification, as this implies a high level of knowledge and expertise in the field.


The term “Board-Certified Neurologist” is important in the context of VA benefits as it signifies a neurologist who has completed extensive training and passed rigorous evaluations, ensuring they possess the highest level of expertise in the field of neurology.

This distinction is crucial for veterans receiving care, as it guarantees that they are being assisted by a medical professional with a thorough understanding of neurological issues that may stem from their military service.

Board-certified neurologists can accurately diagnose, treat, and manage various neurological conditions, providing veterans the specialized care they deserve, which ultimately enhances their chances of receiving appropriate VA benefits and support tailored to their individual needs.


The purpose of having a Board-Certified Neurologist within the context of VA benefits is to ensure that veterans receive the highest quality of care for neurological conditions that may have resulted from their military service or may impact their daily functioning. A Board-Certified Neurologist goes through extensive training and successfully passes examinations from the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) or other recognized certification bodies, and is thus recognized as an expert in their field.

When treating veterans, these specialists can accurately diagnose, manage, and treat various neurological disorders which may include traumatic brain injuries (TBI), seizures, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and peripheral neuropathy, among others. By having expert neurological care provided by Board-Certified Neurologists, the VA ensures that veterans receive the best possible medical attention and tailored treatment plans for their unique conditions.

This commitment to specialization and quality care helps to enhance the overall well-being and quality of life for veterans who have served the country. The VA’s utilization of Board-Certified Neurologists is a demonstration of their dedication to meeting the specific needs of veterans and helping them navigate the complexities of neurological conditions to lead fulfilling and independent lives.

Examples of Board-Certified Neurologist

A Board-Certified Neurologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system. They have completed their medical education, residency in neurology, and have passed the certification exam from the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Here are three real-world examples related to VA Benefits:

VA Health Care System: A veteran suffering from a neurological condition might require the expertise of a Board-Certified Neurologist under the VA health care system. They can receive appropriate diagnostics, treatment, and follow-up care from the neurologist, who will be well-equipped to address their condition due to their specialization.

Compensation & Pension (C&P) Examination: If a veteran claims a neurological disorder, such as a traumatic brain injury, as part of their request for VA disability compensation, a Board-Certified Neurologist may be required to conduct a Compensation and Pension (C&P) examination. The neurologist will evaluate the extent of the veteran’s current symptoms and determine the direct or indirect service-relatedness of the condition.

Special Monthly Compensation (SMC): In cases where neurological conditions become severe, a veteran may require additional assistance with their activities of daily living or ongoing medical care. A Board-Certified Neurologist’s documentation and evaluations can help the veteran qualify for a higher level of disability compensation, known as Special Monthly Compensation (SMC).

FAQ Section for Board-Certified Neurologist VA Benefits

1. What is a Board-Certified Neurologist?

A Board-Certified Neurologist is a medical professional who has completed a neurology residency and has passed a rigorous exam by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN). These specialists have demonstrated not only specialized knowledge but also a commitment to excellence in patient care.

2. Are VA Benefits available for services provided by a Board-Certified Neurologist?

Yes, VA Benefits can be used to cover the services of a Board-Certified Neurologist for eligible veterans who require specialized care in areas such as brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve disorders.

3. How do I find a Board-Certified Neurologist through the VA healthcare system?

You can start by discussing your neurological concerns with your primary care physician at your local VA Medical Center or clinic. They can then refer you to a Board-Certified Neurologist within the VA healthcare system or to an approved community care provider if needed.

4. Are telemedicine appointments with a Board-Certified Neurologist covered by VA Benefits?

Yes, the VA provides telemedicine appointments for various specialties, including neurology. Eligible veterans can access Board-Certified Neurologist services through video conferences, ensuring you receive the specialized care you need, regardless of your location.

5. Can I use my VA Benefits to see a Board-Certified Neurologist outside of the VA healthcare system?

In some cases, you may be eligible to see a Board-Certified Neurologist outside the VA healthcare system through the VA Community Care Program. Approval depends on factors such as the availability of services within the VA and the urgency of your medical needs. Your primary care physician will need to make a referral and get authorization from the VA before you’re able to use your benefits for community care.

Related VA Benefit Terms

  • Neurological Disorder Treatment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Assessment
  • Stroke Recovery Assistance
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Support
  • 5

  • Parkinson’s Disease Management

Sources for More Information

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