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USDA and HHS Provide Resources for Children in Rural Communities

The USDA and HHS have unveiled a joint resource guide to help people in rural communities increase access to child care services.

The USDA and HHS have unveiled a joint resource guide (PDF, 3.5 MB) to help people in rural and Tribal communities increase access to child care services.

“Access to quality, affordable child care and early learning opportunities is imperative for rural America. It enables parents to work, strengthens the economy and supports children’s overall development by laying the groundwork for future success in school and life,” Maxson said. 

Hamm added: “The first few years of life, particularly birth to five, set the foundation for development, learning, behavior and lifelong outcomes. Various studies have shown that access to high-quality early childhood education is associated with positive life outcomes.”

The joint resource guide responds to the AFP, which targets investments to support America’s children and families – helping families cover the basic expenses that so many struggle with now, including lowering health insurance premiums and continuing the American Rescue Plan’s historic reductions in child poverty.

The guide was developed in partnership by USDA Rural Development and the Office of Early Childhood Development in HHS’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF). It provides useful information to help stakeholders in rural communities – including Tribes and Tribal organizations – address the need for improved access to affordable, high-quality child care and early learning facilities through USDA and HHS funding and technical assistance resources.

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