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Forward edge of the battle area (FEBA)


The Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA) is a military term referring to the foremost limit of a series of combat zones during an armed conflict. It denotes the front-line in a conventional war setting where friendly forces are engaged extensively with the enemy. It is usually where direct ground combat is taking place, marking the boundary between the enemy-held territory and the territory held by friendly forces.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Forward Edge of the Battle Area, or FEBA, is a term used in military operations to denote the forefront of a battle zone, where the ground combat forces are closely engaged with the enemy. It is highly critical in stratagem and troop placements.
  2. The FEBA is dynamic and can shift frequently during combat, illustrating the fluidity of warfare situations. It’s not only about a specific geographical point but also about a time-sensitive spot – reflecting the area where the principal battle is anticipated or ongoing.
  3. Understanding the FEBA is crucial for decision making, including when to deploy reinforcements, supplies or air support. It assists military leaders in correctly assessing the situation on the battlefield, aligning their strategies, and adjusting tactics based on front line developments.


The term “Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA)” is crucial in military operations as it denotes the foremost limit of a series of identified areas where the main combat is likely to occur, often designated by higher headquarters to coordinate the forward movement of combat elements.

Understanding and recognizing the location of the FEBA is essential for successful troop movement, distribution of resources, planning strategic initiatives, communication, surveillance, and ensuring troop safety.

It is the focal point of defense planning where the defense capabilities are concentrated.

Determining the FEBA can provide a clear geographical point for organizing, coordinating, and focusing military resources and efforts.

Therefore, proper identification and maintenance of FEBA significantly influence the success and effectiveness of military operations.


The term “Forward Edge of the Battle Area” (FEBA) holds significant importance in military operations as it aids in strategic planning and effective allocation of resources. Essentially, the FEBA refers to the foremost limit of a battle area at any given time, largely demarcating where the bulk of direct ground combat is taking place. The fundamental purpose of identifying the FEBA is to help commanders efficiently manage and control their troops deployed on the battlefront.

This allows for the well-coordinated movement of attacks and defenses, necessitates the allocation of artillery fire support or air cover, and significantly helps prevent friendly fire incidents. In addition, the FEBA plays a critical role in assisting logistical, medical, and reinforcement proceedings. It helps establish clear boundaries for these operations, minimizing the risk their personnel might encounter in direct combat zones.

Moreover, the FEBA is critical for real-time intelligence gathering and communication. Information about enemy positions, their strength and operations can be communicated back to the bases more effectively, thereby enhancing the decision-making process and the execution of strategies on the battlefield. It ultimately helps the military forces to maintain a strong and efficient presence in the area of operation, facilitating successful campaigns.

Examples of Forward edge of the battle area (FEBA)

Operation Desert Storm (1991): In this operation, the United States and coalition forces used the concept of Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA) when they specifically demarcated the areas of the frontline that the Iraqi forces had seized. This helped in determining the strategic battles that led to the successful retreat of the Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

Battle of the Bulge (1944-1945): One of the largest and bloodiest battles fought during World War II on the Western Front was the Battle of the Bulge. The FEBA here was established along the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia in Belgium, as well as France and Luxembourg on the Western Front. The line helped in strategic planning, resource allocation and reinforcement on both the German and Allied sides.

Battle of Kursk (1943): The FEBA during the Battle of Kursk, one of the largest tank battles in history during World War II, was a defined frontline between the German and Soviet forces. The establishment of the FEBA helped in creating strategic defensive depth, determining reinforcement positions, and directing artillery and air support throughout the action.

FAQs about Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA)

What is the Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA)?

The Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA) is a term used in warfare to describe the foremost limit or front-line of a combat zone. It is the geographical area where the battle is or may be directly engaged.

What is the purpose of FEBA?

The purpose of FEBA is to coordinate the efforts of various units and to prevent friendly fire. It is also used as a basis for the deployment of defensive or offensive forces.

How is FEBA determined?

The FEBA is usually determined by higher command based on the nature of the mission, enemy forces, and the terrain. It is likely to shift as the battle progresses.

What are some related terms to FEBA?

Related terms to FEBA include the Forward Line of Own Troops (FLOT) and the Battle Area (BA). FLOT is the location of most forward elements of an armed force in a general combat situation, often lying just ahead of FEBA. BA, on the other hand, includes the assembly area, the FEBA, the fire support coordination line, and the rear area.

Is FEBA applicable in all types of wars?

While the concept of FEBA is often used in conventional warfare, it can be difficult to apply in certain types of conflict such as guerilla or insurgency warfare where front lines are not clearly defined.

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Operational Art
  • Area of Operations (AO)
  • Combat Operations
  • Military Front Line
  • Tactical Ground Intelligence

Sources for More Information

  • Encyclopedia Britannica: This is a renowned source for reliable information on a massive array of topics, including military terms like Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA).
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary: The online dictionary provides definitions of military terms and their uses.
  • Federation of American Scientists (FAS): The FAS often provides in-depth explorations of military operations, technologies, and terminology.
  • GlobalSecurity.org: This organization has extensive resources on international security, including military strategies and terms like FEBA.

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