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Explosive hazard incident

Definition An “Explosive Hazard Incident” in military operations refers to an event where explosives pose a threat or cause harm to personnel, facilities, or equipment. This can include events related to unexploded ordnance (UXO), Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), or any explosive materials that are encountered unexpectedly. The incident can result in damage, injury, or disruption […]


An “Explosive Hazard Incident” in military operations refers to an event where explosives pose a threat or cause harm to personnel, facilities, or equipment. This can include events related to unexploded ordnance (UXO), Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), or any explosive materials that are encountered unexpectedly. The incident can result in damage, injury, or disruption of military activities.

Key Takeaways

  1. An Explosive Hazard Incident refers to any event involving munitions or explosives that result in, or has the potential to result in, casualties or damage to equipment, properties, and the environment.
  2. This type of incident may involve various elements, such as unexploded ordnance (UXO), discarded military munitions (DMM), or improvised explosive devices (IEDs), particularly relevant in conflict and post-conflict environments.
  3. Proper management and responses to such incidents are vital for the safety and well-being of both military personnel and civilians, often necessitating specialized trained personnel to identify, assess, and neutralize the threat.


The term “explosive hazard incident” in military operations is important because it refers to any incident, expected or unexpected, involving the sudden release of energy from an explosive hazard.

Explosive hazards may include anything from disposals of unexploded ordnances, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), or other potentially lethal explosive-related situations that military personnel may encounter in the line of duty.

The military must responsibly manage such scenarios to ensure the safety and security of its personnel and to minimize damage to infrastructure and civil populations.

Thus, the term is a cornerstone for understanding, planning, and executing strategies in military operations involving explosive materials to prevent loss or injury.


An explosive hazard incident in military operations refers to situations where explosives pose a risk. This can often arise in highly complex terrains such as war zones or battlegrounds with the possible presence of bombs, land mines, unexploded ordnance (UXO), IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) and other dangerous explosive substances.

These incidents require specialized protocols and trained personnel to handle them safely, as their occurrence can significantly disrupt military operations and present significant threats to service members’ lives and property. The main purpose of identifying and managing explosive hazard incidents is to ensure the safety and security of military personnel and the civilians present in the area.

Information about potential explosive hazards is employed to plan and execute operations, as well as institute safeguards against unnecessary risk. For instance, detailed hazard assessment can be used to map safe routes for troops and vehicles, detect and neutralize explosives, and to provide post-conflict rehabilitation by making former combat zones safely accessible.

Thus, addressing explosive hazard incidents is a critical part of risk management in military operations.

Examples of Explosive hazard incident

Mosul Operation – Iraq (2016-2017): During the operation to liberate Mosul in Iraq from ISIS control, soldiers often encountered explosive hazards including improvised explosive devices (IEDs), booby traps, and abandoned ordnance. These explosive hazards caused numerous casualties among both military personnel and civilians. The U.S. 5th Engineer Battalion, among other units, were tasked with clearance and disposal of these hazards.

Afghan War – Afghanistan (2001-present): Throughout the conflict in Afghanistan, all parties involved have regularly encountered various types of explosive hazards, including mines left over from the previous conflicts, IEDs used by Taliban and other insurgent forces, and unexploded ordnance from ongoing fighting. Clearing these hazards has been a major operational challenge for Afghan, NATO, and other coalition forces.

Operation Desert Storm – Kuwait (1991): After Iraqi forces were expelled from Kuwait during the Gulf War, they left behind a large number of explosive hazards. These included mines, unexploded ordnance, and booby traps. Clearing these hazards was a significant part of the post-conflict operations by coalition forces, notably the U.S. Army’s 5th Engineer Battalion.

FAQs on Explosive Hazard Incident

What is an explosive hazard incident?

An explosive hazard incident refers to an occurrence involving the detonation of an explosive device or hazard. This could include incidents on a battlefield, during routine transportation of explosives, or in other settings where explosives are being used or stored.

What kind of precautions are required in an explosive hazard incident?

Handling explosive hazards requires the utmost care. All individuals involved in the process should have appropriate training. It is crucial to have robust emergency response plans, including evacuation protocols, in place. Protective equipment is also mandatory depending on the severity of the explosive hazard.

What is the impact of explosive hazard incidents?

Explosive hazard incidents can result in severe physical harm or fatality. They can also lead to substantial property damage and long-term environmental impacts. Hence, proper management of these incidents plays a crucial role in overall safety and security in a variety of contexts, including military operations.

How can one report an explosive hazard incident?

In a military setting, explosive hazards should be reported immediately to commanding officers. Civilian encounters with suspected explosive hazards should be reported to local law enforcement. Never attempt to handle or disrupt a suspected explosive device on your own.

What is done post an explosive hazard incident?

Following an explosive hazard incident, a thorough investigation is conducted to understand the cause of the incident, any potential oversights in protocol or equipment malfunctions, and to suggest preventive measures for the future. Incident response also involves remediation of the site, including any necessary environmental cleanup.

Related Military Operation Terms

  • Concussion Injuries
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)
  • Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)
  • Veterans Disability Compensation

Sources for More Information

  • U.S. Army Official Website: The official website of the U.S. Army where you will find updated military information including details about explosive hazard incidents.
  • U.S. Department of Defense: The home page of the U.S. Department of Defense, a valuable resource for anything related to military operations and protocols.
  • Jane’s Information Group: A British publishing company that specializes in military, aerospace and transportation topics.
  • BBC: The British Broadcasting Corporation website offers international news, including coverage of military activities and operations worldwide.

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